Book Title: Trishasti Shalaka Purusa Caritra Part 4
Author(s): Hemchandracharya, Helen M Johnson
Publisher: Oriental Research Institute Vadodra
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ORIGIN OF THE RĀKŞASAVANSA AND VĀNARAVANSA 113 Sahasrara, and took initiation. In the city Pātālalanka sons were borne to Sukeśa by Indrāņi-Mălin, Sumálin, and Mālyavat. Two long-armed sons, named Adityarajas and Rkşarajas, were borne. to Kişkindhi by Srimālā. One day Kişkindhi made a procession to Sumeru in honor of the eternal Arhats and on his return he saw Mt. Madhu. Kişkindhi's mind dwelt more and more on sporting in a beautiful garden, which extended in all directions on it like another Meru. He, energetic, founded Kişkindhapura on it (Mt. Madhu) and settled there with his followers, like the King of Vaksas (Siva) on Kailāsa.
When Sukeśa's sons heard that their kingdom had been taken by enemies, they, full of heroism, flamed with anger like three fires. They went to Lankā and killed the Khecara, Nirghātá. Verily, enmity with heroes may result in death even after a long time. Then Mâlin became king in Lankā and Adityarajas king in Kişkindhā at Kiskindhi's command.
Now, in the city Rathanūpura on Mt. Vaitādhya a god of high rank fell and descended at once into the womb of Citrasundarī, the wife of King Sahasrāra, Ašanivega's son, an auspicious dream having been seen. In course of time she had a pregnancy-whim for union with Sakra, which was difficult to fulfill, difficult to tell, the cause of physical weakness. Questioned persistently, with difficulty she told her husband about her pregnancy-whim, her head bowed from shame. Sahasrāra assumed the form of Sahasrākşa by a charm and, known by her as 'Sakra,' satisfied the whim. At the right time she bore a son, whose strength of arm was not deficient, who was named Indra because of the whim for union with Indra. When he was grown, endowed with knowledge of vidyās and with strength of arm, Sahasrāra gave him the kingdom and became absorbed in dharma himself.
He (Indra) conquered all the lords of the Vidyadharas and he began considering himself Indra because of his birth from the Indra-pregnancy-whim. He established
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