Book Title: Studies in Jaina Philosophy
Author(s): Nathmal Tatia
Publisher: Jain Cultural Research Society
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şika anyathakhyāti 96, 97, the doctrine of 98, 100.
apagama (determinate judgment), 42. apagata (determinate judgment), 42. apanoda (determinate judgment), 42. apanutta (determinate judgment), 42. aparäpariyavedaniya, type of kar
man 250, 251.
aparyavasita (having no end), 51. apavarga (final release or emancipation), 84, conditions of its attainment 107, III, 153, 224.
apavartana (process of decreased realization), 254, defined 257apaviddha (determinate judgment),
apavyadha (determinate judgment),
apaya (perceptual judgment), 36, 37, 38, 39, defined 41, synonyms of 42, 43, 44, 46, 56, 60, 148. apaya (universal suffering), 283. apayabhumi (plane of misery), 249.
apeta (determinate judgment), 42. apoha (exclusion), 32. apramatta (free from passions), 68,
(seventh guna
sthana), described 277. apratyakhyānāvaraṇa, 234, illustrated 2340, 237, 239n, 274. aptakāmatva (self-contained com
placency), 139. apuñña (bad act), 128. apurnammanyata (sense of incompleteness and imperfection), 142. apurvakarana, nature and function of 271-2, 275, 278, 300. Eighth gunasthana, described 277. apurva-sthitibandha, 272, 278. arhat (literally 'the adorable'; the omniscient), 77, 289.
arhat (of Buddhism), his conscious
ness 247, 248, 249. ariya-saccani (noble truths), 16. ärṣa-jñāna (supernormal spiritual in
tuition), 110. ärtadhyana, 28гn.
artha (material prosperity), 47. artha (object), argument to prove the non-existence of 130n. artha (proper understanding of the meaning), 293, 294. arthapatti (presupposition), 34. arthavagraha (object-perception), 35, 36, 37, 38, 41, 44, 45arupa, 248n. arüpavacara, defined 248. -bhūmi,
249, 250.
arya (saintly), 2010.
asadvedya (what causes unpleasant feeling), 233, 256.
asahu (sinner), 145. asakti (mental disability), 93. asamjña (absence of samjñā), 53.
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asamjñin (opposite of samjñin), 49, explained 50, 54. asamjni-śruta, 50, 53asamkhyeya (countless), 35, 42. asamprajñāta samadhi, 161, 295,
asana (posture), 284, 301.
asanajaya (conquest of posture), 286. asanga (without any consideration),
asanga (attachment), 296, 301. asanganuṣṭhāna, 303.
asanna, type of karman 250. asat, 228.
asatavedaniya, see asadvedya. asava (bondage), 20. asaya (past actions), 112. asmită (egoism), 89, 90, 93, 94. asramas (stages of life), 109. asrava (influx, inflow), 238, 243.
aśrutanisrita (not backed by scriptural learning), 44, 45, 46, 48. aśubha (inauspicious or sinful) karman, 235, 245. prakyti, defined
2370. aśukla-'kṛṣṇa, 245n. athapravṛttakarana, 270n. aticara (transgression of vows), 265. atindriya-pratyakşa (super-sensuous intuition), 34.
atiprasanga (unwarranted extension),
atman, 4, 12, 16, 62n, its identity with knowledge and intuition 72, 117, 118, 122, 124, 125, 126, 137. atta, meaning of 12. aṭṭhangiko maggo (eightfold path),
audarika (gross), 65, 69, 234. aupamya (analogical knowledge), 30. aupasamika, 273, 277. autpattiki buddhi (instantaneous comprehension), 45, defined 46, illustrated 47.
avabodha (cognition), 42. avadharana (holding), 35. avadharana (memory), 42. avadhi, see avadhi-jñāna. avadhi-ajñāna, 71, 147. avadhi-darśana, 63n, 71, 77, 233-ävarana, 24on, 241. avadhi-jñāna (visual intuition), 28, 29, 30, 61, a birthright of the denizens of heaven and hell 62. scope of 63, 63n, 64, 66, 68, 69,
71, 75, 147.
avadhyajñāna, see avadhi-ajñāna. avagama (retention), 42. avagraha (perception), synonyms of 34, two kinds of 35. definition of 35, defined by Umasvati 36, defined by Pujyapada Devanandi 37. 38, defined by Akalanka 39, defined by Hemacandra 40, 44, 45, 46, 47, 57, 58, 60, 61, 77, 148.
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