gets condensed in form of drops on the surface of water container. If the container lid is not closed air-tight, there will be a passage for the ambient-air to come into contact with the water-surface inside the container. This water will absorb vapour from the air in form of condensed live-water drops. This would make the non-living water as mixed-water, having a mixture of living and non-living components. Thus it becomes unfit for use by the Sãdhaka. (Ref.: Suyagdãnga Sutra, 2nd Shrutskandha, 34 Chapter p 112/113, “Xahāra Prigyã: The souls/lives of Dew-water take birth by adopting or absorbing the atomic-material of non-living water called non-living Yoni.
Thus non-living mass is converted into living water mass.)
In case, the container is really air-tight (which is difficult to judge/ascertain, in normal conditions, by an ordinary shrãvaka), the water should remain as non-living. But it is always a doubtful case. However, when this fridge-cooled water is taken out from the fridge and the air tight lid is opened, it will be observed that the outer-surface of the container becomes wet due to dew-drops. Similarly, chances are that these drops are also formed and absorbed on the cold watersurface, due to large temperature difference. Thus the live dew-drops make it “mixed” and unfit for sãdhakas.
We have also seen that low temperature and high humidity promote water to become live very fast. Hence the non-living water in the ambience of fridge may become “live” very fast. Q.13 :- While making dhovana or during boiling, the water-bodied
living-beings as well as the animate micro-organisms in it are ultimately killed. Then why should we resort to all this ostentation? We do not save any living-being by adopting processes of dhowan-making or boiling for sãdhakas. How can we consider these practices as non-violent or non
injurious in line with the spirit of ahimsã-vow? A 13:- There are 3-4 different aspects of it which should be taken into
account. A day's requirement of water is normally stored in pots. It is filtered through a piece of cloth before making any type of non
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