How do we know for sure that no molecules of chemicals are present in the higher potencies of homeopathic medicines? As per laws of chemistry, a Mole of a substance contains 6.022 x 10” molecules (Avogadro's no). Molecular weight of water (H2O) is 18. (called a Mole). It means 18g of water would contain 6.022x10% water molecules, i.e. 1 g of water would contain 3.3x10^2 nos. of water molecules. Similarly any chemical substance used for making a remedy, would generally have molecular weight more than 18. Theoretically, we can take a range of its Mole from 10 to say 200. Then I g of chemical will have 6.022 x 1032 to 3.011 x 10^' molecules. When we resort to 1:100 dilutions for making potencies, it means: 1 cc of remedy would contain 10cc of chemical in the first potency. In 2nd potency, 1 cc of remedy would contain 104 cc of chemical. In 12" potency 1 cc of remedy would contain 1024 cc of chemical. As per Avogadro's no. chemicals of even lower densities will have less than 10“ molecules of chemical in Icc. As such in 12° potency, lcc of remedy (containing 1024cc. of chemical) cannot contain even a single molecule of chemical, if the chemical is uniformly distributed in the solution. Thus, theoretically, no chemical molecule would exist in any remedy having a potency of more than 12. In potencies of 15 or higher, there cannot be any possibility of having any chemical molecule physically present in the remedy. The probability of finding even one molecule of chemical is 1 in 1 lakh. A potency of 100 would mean having 10-200 cc of chemical in Icc, which theoretically cannot exist. This is far below the Avogadro's no. Even the Ostwalds theory of ultra-dilutions could not explain the increase of power with the dilution of remedy. This led the chemists to conclude that the high potency remedies are no more than plain distilled water. They are not
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