Book Title: Political History of Northern India
Author(s): Gulabchandra Chaudhary
Publisher: Sohanlal Jain Dharm Pracharak Samiti Amrutsar
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of Kanauj at that time was the Pratihāra Vijayapāla (c. 959 A.D.-988 A.D.). It appears that by defeating him Vajradāman captured the fort of Gwalior. It, however, seems more probable that during the period of the weak rulers of the Pratihara dynasty, the Kacchapaghātas carved out their principality near about Gwalior. The title Mahārājādhirāja assumed by Vajradāman shows that he enjoyed sovereignty for some time. Since we know from the inscriptions of the Candellas that in Dhanga's reign (c. 954-1002 A.D.) their power reached up to the mountain called Gopagiri," we may assume that Vajradāman must have accepted the suzerainty of his more powerful eastern neighbour. In this light the title Mahārājādhiraja of Vajradāman should not be regarded as inconsistent, for we know that in that period the feudatories also bore that title."
Mangalaraja: Vajradāman was succeeded succeeded by Mangalaraja. He is said to have scattered his enemies as the thousand-rayed (sun) dispels darkness. As he ever offered worship to the Lord (Iśvara), so he was worshipped by thousands of great lords. An undated Ukha Mandir stone inscription at Bayānā near Bharatapur in Rājāsthān also refers to one Mangalaraja. On the basis of the script of the record, the scholars assumed that Mangalaraja of the Ukha mandir inscription is identical with this Mangalaraja of the Sasabahu inscription. The relationship of Mangalaraja with his predecessor is not mentioned in the inscription.
Kirtiraja: Mangalaraja was succeeded by Kirtirāja whose relationship with him is not indicated in the inscription. The record states that he "conquered in battle the countless hosts of the prince of Mälava. When he (Mālava prince) had met with defeat, the villagers surrounded their houses with the multitude of spears which through fear had fallen from the hands (of his soldiers) in every direction." He is also credited as a builder of a wonderful temple of Siva in the town of Simhapäniya. Unfortunately no dated record of this prince has yet been discovered from that region.
1 Ibid., p. 276.
2 EI., I, p. 129, V. 45.
Rajor stone inscription of Mathanadeva dated V. E. 1016 (A. D. 960); EI., III, pp. 263 ff.
• V. 8 ततोरिपुध्वान्त सहस्रधामा नृपोऽभवन्मंगल राजनामा ।
5 IA., XIV, pp. 9-10.
6 Ibid., p. 9.
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Vs. 9-10 श्री कीर्तिराजो नृपतिस्ततोऽभूयस्य मालव भूमिपस्य ।
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• V. 11 अद्भुतः सिंहपानीयनगरे येन कारितः ।
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