Book Title: Philological Remarks On Sakyamatis Pramanavarttikatika
Author(s): Ernst Steinkellner
Publisher: Ernst Steinkellner

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________________ 288 . -- . E. Steinkellner interesting Appendix I (515-531) in R. SANKRTYAYANA's edition of Manorathanandin's Pramānavārttikavrttih. This appendix contains shorter and longer unconnected pieces of texts of commentarial character. Vibhūticandra, the copyist of the manuscript', has not only added numerous footnotes to the manuscript, but also personal remarks and scholarly notes at the end of the manuscript8. I have not been able so far to find the original source for all of these texts. No. 1 (App 515) is a badly corrupted text from the beginning of Sākyamati's PVT29. The other texts - on the whole of unidentified origin -- have incorporated, however, some texts from Jinendrabuddhi's Viśālāmalavati" and a great number of texts from Sākyamati's PVT on the second, third and fourth chapter. Pramāņavārttikatikā II (pramānasiddhih): From the beginning of the second chapter which has a section of interest regarding the problem of the sequence of chapters in the PV (PVT 8563-8663), and corroborates, just by virtue of its giving an explanation, the sequence svārthānumana as the first and pramānasiddhi as the second chapter, we find extracts in the texts no. 2 and 3 of the appendix. Because of the import of this text'I present it as a whole and, since the text cannot be completely recovered from these fragments, I add the Tibetan translation in the version of Peking in order to fill the gaps. The pratikas from Devendrabuddhi's commentary are identified. Words without correspondence in the Tibetan translation are not in italics and additional words in the translation are added in brackets. (PVT 8563 (C 71a7f.):) rgol ba dan lan bstan pa'i zur gyis le'u dan po dan gnis pa'i brel pa bstan pa'i phyir / (fragment 1: App 516,31-517,3 = PVT 8563-5:) āha: ācāryiyetyādi (PVP 162). iyan cātrāšankā: yady ācāryadharmakirtinā ('di bstan bcos) praniānasamuccayo vyākhyātum prastutas, tadā sa eva vyākhyāyatām; kimity ādāv utkramyānumānalaksanam" vyākhyātavān iti. asya parihāraḥ: ācāryiya (tshad ma'i mtshan nid kyi bstan bcos bsad pai) ityādi, acaryo 'tra dignāgaḥ (dod de). and some pages of the commentary upon the same work by Devendrabuddhi..." (On some aspects of the doctrine of Maitreya natha) and Asanga. Calcutta 1930, 39). The chapter in question is probably the second (pramanasiddhi). Prof. Tucci has confirmed the existence of these pages, but due to a reorganisation of the ISMEO-library they are not available at the moment. 25 Cf. PVV 513,4. 26 Cf. R. Sankrtyāyana's preface to the PVV, I; E. Frauwallner has studied these notes and shown that many have been taken from Devendrabuddhi's commentary on the PV (1960, 119-123). 27 Cf. R. Sankrtyāyana, Sanskrit Palm-Leaf MSS. in Tibet. JBORS 21, 1935, 11-13. 28 Cf. PVV, Appendix, 515, note 1: pustakante kargadapatresu vibhūticandrenaiva likhitam. 29 Cf. note 16. 30 Cf. my paper: Some Sanskrit-fragments of Jinendrabuddhi's Visalāmalavati (to appear in the felicitation-volume for Prof. Gaurinath Sastri). 31 Compared with the version of Cone, where our text is found in Vol. Ne, 71 a6 ff. 32 ādāv utkramya (..neglecting the first chapter)") has been misunderstood and translated by dan por ran dban gis (,,at first on his own account").


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