Book Title: Jivandhar Champu Author(s): Pannalal Jain Publisher: Bharatiya Gyanpith View full book textPage 8
________________ GENERAL EDITORIAL ii. . ( 1. Sramana and his Literary ictitit. Verer wearied is a Searan. Especial 2 Jasa Teaccer, in narracing tales endbou in seal lea's is the direction : the ind.siüzz'. and second time i tre societat a antes de He awakens the moral cosciousness ci tee erring salaire escribes the ways of correct human behariou cit only for the spirituale tion of the individburstrike moral statuation in societ. He has intereut faith taman sri m e to correc: La cring lot: it is a ça:- ci sis nisi cias. T a s Husely bas said is quite ant : 'Praguztien band being a pretty well that is gjoà for them, and hitz dereiepei notizura ariales, proverbs and popular pailosopales, taharivar-patterns and moralities in order to illustrate and embody their findings about (Science, Liberty and Peace, p. 51). The major mass of the Indian population Cerer possessed an intellectual type oi religion, but pursued cons crude forras o corsaip of the Ancestors, Mother Goddess er Fadis Deity etc., cat oiisar cr fcr seeking favour. Diferent religious Teachers bare been tryi:g to Tin this mass for their fulloring. Some deišsi tine forces of nature and astral bodies, and the pries: Cuestaztiy appealed for their worsrig lest their wrata migat cause them sonie Laru. Serce cibers created ave, consequently torshipful attitude, by mesneris elaboration of sacrificial rituals, often luxurious and larisbiy celebrated under princely patronage. But the Sranana bai diferent Tays of sokiudling religious and moral consciousness in the societs. He placed before the society ideal individuals who had attained spiritual emancipation and consequently became the counterparts of deified objects of worship : in fact, they are examples to be follored and their biographies are a source of inspiration. More than this be emphasised the moral lay of Karman which aatornaticall: functions throughout the career of the soul through different births : one cannot escape the fruits oi ove's tucugots, Tras and acts. In fine, erers one is what he has made himseli and would become what he wants to shape himself into : the question of divine intervention either by way of favour or punishment is irrelevant. This philosophical position required the Sramaņa to preach to the society moralPage Navigation
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