( 15 ) The common authorship of GC and KC is a presumption based on the slender fact that the author of toth the works is styled Tādibhasimca. But it has to be noted that in KC reither the name Oļeyadera rcr the name of the teacher Puspasena is mentioned. Common ideas and expres. sions prove indebtedness of one to the other but not necessarily the common authorship. The same name is borne by many Jaina authors; so one has to be very cautious in establishing identity based merely on the common title or name. One Vādisimha is mentioned by Jinasena in his Adipurāņa (I. 54) and by Vâdirāja (1. D. 1025) in his Fārsyarāthacarita (I. 21). As yet no sufficient proof has been brought forth to enable us to take Vadisimha and Vādībbasimha as identical, though a view like this is held by some (Vyāyakumudacandra, Bombay 1938, Intro. p. 111 ff.). Lately a work Srādrādasiddbi has come to light, and the name of its author is Vādibhasimha (See i nekānta IX, , pp. 291 ff.; also its ed. in the Māṇitchandra Dig. J. Granthamālā, 44, Bombay 1950; also Premi: JSI, pp. 321 ff.). Tādībbasimha is after all a title, and with some, later on, even a name. It is borne by Ajitasena (c. 1087 A.D., see Epigraphia Carnatica (EC), VIII, Nagar No. 40, part ii, also No. 36-7 : also EC, 11, 67 [54]) and also by Sripāla (c. 1137 A. D., EC, V. Belur No. 17). In fact T. A. Gopinatha Rao suggested and Pt. K. Bhujabali Shastri has developed the theory that Tādībhasimba is the same as Ajitasena who is mentioned in a number of epigraphs and who was a contemporary of one Puspasena (The Yasodharacarita, Tanjore 1912, Intro. p. 4 ; Jaina Siddhānta Bhāskara VI, 2, pp. 78 ff., VII pp. 1 ff.; also Premi. JSI, pp. 320 ff.). But from the available records it is not shown that Ajitasena had a name Oderadeva and that Puspasena vas bis teacher. Srutasāgara's statement that Vădirāja and Vādībhasimba were the pupils of Somadeva is not confirmed by any other contemporary source ; and it cannot be forgotten that Srutasāgara comes very late, long after all these authors.
Srivijaya had a name Odeyadeva (EC, VIII, Nagar No. 40, part i) but the available facts hardly allow us to take him as identical with Odeyadeva, alias Vādībbasimba, the author of GC (E. Hultzsch : ZDMG, 68, pp. 695-700). A. Venkatasubbiah (JBBRAS, III 1-2, pp. 156-60, for 1928), while contradicting the above opinion of E. Hultzsch, holds the view that Srivijaya Odeyadeva of the inscriptions is the same as Odeyadeva Vādībbasimha, author of the GC, that he had a predecessor in Puspasena in some succession lists given in inscriptions, and that one would not be very wrong in believing that GO and KC were written in g.