1. A S'ramana and his Literary Activity. : Never wearied is a Sramana, especially a Jaina Teacher, in narrating tales embodying ethical ideals for the moral amelioration of the individual, and through him of the society and humanity at large. He awakens the moral consciousness of the erring soul and then prescribes the ways of correct human behaviour not only for the spiritual emancipation of the individual but also for the moral stabilization of the society. He has inherent faith in human goodness and works with eternal Lope to correct the erring lot : it is a part of his mission of life. What Aldous Huxely has said is quite apt : 'Pragmatically human beings know pretty well what is good for them, and have developed myths and fairy tales, proverbs and popular philosophies, behaviour-patterns and moralities in order to illustrate and embody their findings about life' (Science, Liberty and Peace, p. 51).
The major mass of the Indian population never possessed an intellectual type of religion, but pursued only crude forms of Worship of the Ancestors, Mother Goddess or Family Deity etc., out of fear or for seeking favour. Different religious Teachers have been trying to sin this mass for their following. Some deified the forces of nature and astral bodies, and the priest constantly appealed for their worship lest their wrath might cause them some barn. Some others created awe, consequently worshipful attitude, by mesmeric elaboration of sacrificial rituals, often luxuriously and lavishly celebrated under princely patronage. But the S’ramaņa had different ways of enkindling religious and moral consciousness in the society. He placed before the society ideal individuals who had attained spiritual emancipation and consequently became the counterparts of deified objects of worship : in fact, they are examples to be followed and their biographies are a source of inspiration. More than this he emphasised the moral law of Karman which automatically functions throughout the career of the soul through different births : one cannot escape the fruits of one's thoughts, words and acts. In fine, every one is what he has made himself and would become what he wants to shape himself into : the question of divine intervention either by way of favour or punishment is irrelevant. This philosophical position required the Şramaņa to preach to the society moral