Jaina Rock-cut Caves in Western India Ambikā. In the rest of the niches, except the first niche on the left sidewall, there are figures of we seated Jinas each. In the first niche on the left sidewall is a figure of single Jina. Stylistically, the sculptures are similar to those in J24. Each of the panels is within makara arch and has a nāsi rested on pilasters above.
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Distinct Features
Hall TAO seated Jinas 1.37m by 1.33m Kanatha's attack 2.08m by 1.83m Five attackers (Fig. 41a) un l'arsvanatha
wo seated Jinas 1.3m by 1.32m N o musicians. No nāsi above the panel, Sarvanubhūti 12.15m by 1.3m (Fig. 41b). Imbika
1.8m by 1.28m Amralumbi in the right hand and
matulunga in the left. The child stands to the left. No female chauri-bearers, but one male chauri-bearer to right. A small figure of male devotee, seated to right and turned towards Ambikā with hands in anjali mudra and with a beard. The inakara arch
is damaged (fig. 410) Two seated Jinas 1.07m (extant The chhatra, musicians, garland bearers
portion) by and makara arch above the head are 1.29m
destroyed. Penance of 1.75m by 1.29m The left portion of the panel is broken Bahubali
through J25 and thus the female to the left is unfinished with only outine marked out. The chhatra above the head is left uncarved. A very small figure of Bharata to right. No other attendants are depicted (Fig.
4le). Seated Jina
1.42m by 0.63m
Shrine Seated Jina
1.9m by 2.12m No Usanisa. Like J19, J20 and J24, there
are two chauri-bearers on cach side (Fig. 410).
Fergusson and Burgess have dated these caves to the period between 8th to 10th centuries (1880: 495). Naik has dated the caves to the period between 750 to 1000 CE (1947: 358). Gupte and Mahajan have dated these caves roughly to 9th century to 11th century (1962: 147). According to Soundara Rajan, these caves belong to the period between 825 CE to the last quarter of 10th century CE (1981:232), while Pathy dates them to the 10th century CE (1980: 67-69). Pereira has dealt with the problem of the date of these caves in some detail. Considering the evidences of inscriptions, typology, style, along with the historical