Jaina Rock-cut Caves in Western India
3. Panchatirthika: 0.9m by 0.46m
It consists of a seated Jina, flanked by a seated Jina and standing Jina on each side. The main figure has flying figures of a garland bearer, drum player and cymbal player as attendants.
4. Tritirthika: 1.14m by 0.76m
The main figure of a seated Jina is flanked by the standing Jinas. The main Jina is seated in padmasana on throne with wheel and lions. There are chauri-bearers, flying figures of garland bearers and a cymbal player.
4a. Seated Supärsvanatha: 0.17m by 0.11m
Above the left standing Jina of the previous figure, there is a seated figure of Supārsvanatha with a five-hooded snake and a single chhatra.
5. Panchatirthika: 0.88m by 0.44m
This panel is similar to the pañchatirthika on the opposite wall with the exception that there is an additional flying figure of a man blowing a pipe.
6. Kamatha's attack on Parsvanatha: 1.33m by 0.75m
The figure of Parsvanatha, Padmavati and flying garland bearers as well as musicians are as in the panels in the lower caves. Among the attackers are (i) a male on a lion (ii) a man on a bull or a buffalo and (iii) an unclear seated figure of a male. The figures of Kamatha and his queen are to the right of Parsvanatha.
7. Saptatirthika. 1.24m by 0.9m.
It consists of a seated Jina flanked by a standing and seated Jina on each side and another smaller figure of standing Jina on each side, above the arch. The main Jina is seated in padmasana on a throne with wheel and lions and has chauri-bearers and three flying figures. At the right end of the throne is a standing figure of a female with child, probably Ambika, while at the left end is seated male devotee. Beyond the standing Jina to the right is a seated female devotee, while to the left is another larger figure of a standing Jina. The standing Jinas above the arch have single chhatra, while the rest of them have triple chhatra.
8. Panchatirthika: 1.15m by 0.6m.
It consists of a main figure of seated Jina flanked by a standing and seated Jina on each side. The main Jina is seated in padmasana on a throne, which has three lions. He has flying figures of a garland bearer flanked by chauri-bearers and three musicians, a drum player, a conch blower and a cymbal player. All the Jina figures have triple chhatra. There is small, seated figure of a male, probably a devotee, beyond the standing Jina to the left.
9. Santinatha: 0.84m by 0.26m.
The standing figure of Santinatha has a triple chhatra above the head and his lañchhana, a deer, below the feet. There is a small figure of a chauri bearer on each side. To the left, near his feet is a seated female devotee.