Description and Chronology of Caves
243 Running the length of icons 14 to 18 is a long inscription in Devanagari. It is engraved below the Jina figures and above the figures of monks.
22. Panchatirthikā: 1.3m by 1.27m.
It consists of a seated figure of Parsvanātha flanked by a seated and a standing figure of Jina in vertical row. The figure of Parśvanātha measures 0.8m by 0.72m and is seated in padmāsana with a seven-hooded snake and triple chhatra above the head. The head is shown plain, while on the chest is a flower-shaped śrivatsa. Below him is carved his lañchhana, a snake. Flanking the chhatra is a crude figure of chauri bearer with chauri in the inner hands. Each of the seated Jina figures measures 0.21m by 0.19m, while each of the standing Jina figures measures 0.41m by 0.14m. To the right of this icon is a standing figure of a devotee couple, 0.3m by 0.17m. It is
a crude figure and none of the features are clear. 23. Seated Jina-devotee couple in vertical row: Jina: 0.21m by 0.2m. Devotees: 0.6m by
0.37m. The Jina figure is similar to the aforementioned Jina figures. Under the figure is incised the name, 'Chandraprabhu Muni' in the modern Devanagari script. Each of the devotee figures measures 0.6m by 0.2m. They stand facing front with hands in añjali. Their heads are plain, while the ears are long. They wear lower garment. The
female wears necklace. 24. Seated Jina: 0.37m by 0.25m.
The Jina figure measures 0.24m by 0.23m. The figure is similar to the aforementioned
Jina figures. 25. Seated Jina: 0.59m by 0.37m. Jina: 0.35m by 0.29m. 26. Seated Jina: 0.56m by 0.33m. Jina: 0.33m by 0.3m. 27. Seated Jina: 0.48m by 0.26m. Jina: 0.25m by 0.21m. 28. Seated Jina: 0.49m by 0.34m. Jina: 0.33m by 0.31m. 29. Seated Jina: 0.5m by 0.3m. Jina: 0.32m by 0.28m. 30. Seated Jina: 0.5m by 0.3m. Jina: 0.32m by 0.28m. 31. Seated Jina: 0.5m by 0.3m. Jina: 0.32m by 0.28m.
All the Jina figures are similar to the aforementioned figures. Above 26 is incised Ajit Muni', while above 31 is written 'Charimasara Muni', both in the modern
Devanagari script. 32. Devotee couple: 0.37m by 0.28m.
Each of the figures measures 0.37m by 0.13m. This couple is similar to the
aforementioned devotee couple. 33. Seated Jina: 0.48m by 0.33m. Jina: 0.3m by 0.3m. 34. Devotee couple: 0.41m by 0.35m. Each figure: 0.4m by 0.16m.
This figure is similar to the aforementioned devotee couple. Here the male has a beard. 35. Devotee couple: 0.4m by 0.36m. Each figure: 0.4m by 0.14m.
This figure is similar to the aforementioned devotee figures. 36. Seated Jina: 0.5m by 0.37m. Jina: 0.38m by 0.34m. 37. Seated Jina: 0.7m by 0.4m. Jina: 0.44m by 0.36m. 38. Seated Jina-devotee couple in vertical row: Jina: 0.32m by 0.29m. Devotees: 0.37m
by 0.32m. Each figure: 0.37m by 0.13m.