Book Title: Jain Digest 2002 01
Author(s): Federation of JAINA
Publisher: USA Federation of JAINA

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________________ HEADQUARTERS NEWS.... Education Committee - Mr. Sudhir Shah made presentation of 14. Sadharmic Bhavans around North America - Bipin Parikh Pathshala. Mrs. Anita Shah developed CD "Who Wants to be a discussed the program. This will be a local program. JAINA can Jain Scholar" for Pathshala children. They currently have 200 sets only promote and create guidelines. of Pathshala books available for the distribution. This can be pur- April 25, 2002 will be the last day of the 2600th Birth anniverchased at a nominal cost of $12 per set. He would like to have sary of Mahavir Bhagwan. We are planning to have a lecture and a introductory classes for future Pathshala Teachers in next Conven- prayer on that day at UN. Gurudev Chitrabbanu may attend the tion. Mrs. Lata Champsee suggested that JAINA should certify function. Dr. Manoj Dharamsi (Mahavir Memorial Committee) the teachers for uniformity in teaching. Their website is will check out the possibility of holding such function. JAINA has been approved as NGO, by UNO. There are only MIS Committee - Mr. Anop Vora discussed about MIS com- two Indian organizations, which have status of NGO. mittee. It was discussed to raise the fee for MIS advertising from Kirit Daftary formally invited JAINA Executive Committee to $25 to $50. Kirit Daftary suggested that there is no reason for hold their next quarterly meeting of March 2002 in Dallas, TX. Hasmukh Shah to withhold $15/per ad as his expenses. If he is The meeting was adjourned with Khamemi Save Jiva. spending $15/per ad then we need to look at the way of reducing the cost. We are actually loosing money on MIS advs. It was suggested that, those who get married though Jain Digest advertise JAINS ON PBS ment should donate $151 to JAINA. Jain Society of Metropolitan Washington's Swapna Database Work & Website Development: - Sunil Jain of Chi- Ceremony was video-taped in its entirety by the Public cago and Mr. Girish Shah is working on updating JAINA website. Broadcasting Service (PBS), and an edited version of This should be ready before next YJA convention. The data from the same (along with some interviews taped earlier at YJA, YJP, MIS, etc., will be integrated in one database. Website the temple on the same day) was broadcasted by the will be updated within next 2 months. PBS TV station throughout the nation twice on August V.R. Gandhi Committee - Mr. Pravin Shah discussed the ac 26, 2001 tivities of his committee. Public Relation Committee - Dr. Sushil Jain was approached 2003 JAINA CONVENTION by the State Department to help them set up guidelines for visa qualification for scholars. He suggested that we need to develop JAINA has made a decision to hold the next guidelines for sick persons in the hospital, deathbed and funeral Convention in Cincinnati, Ohio during July 4-6, 2003. for American hospitals, clergies etc. They should have set of Prayers, reference material such as Tatvarth Sutra, etc. We should also make Bipin Parikh, Anop R.Vora, Prabodh Vaidya, Kishor Shah, Keerti Shah visited Cincinnati on Sept.29, 2001 at the guidelines to create travel packages to be handed out at the disaster time. Senate will hold prayer on April 25, 02. invitation of the Jain Sangh of Cincinnati and Dayton. No Directors or President are authorized to speak to Media Cincinnati Convention Center is very impressive on behalf of JAINA. Dr. Sushil Jain will develop "Public Rela- and has facilities to host as many as 10,000 visitors. tions Guidelines". It is surrounded by a number of well known hotels 11. JAINA Patron Program - Hasendra Shah is Patron Pro- JAINA'S decision is based upon the availability of an gram Coordinator. We need to concentrate our efforts on increas- excellent spot at a reasonable cost and also on the ing patron members of JAINA. JAINA Headquarters will send interest level and enthusiasm shown by the local out the list of past Patrons to JAINA regional Vice Presidents. community of Cincinnati and Dayton. JAINA is thankful 12. JAINA Bulletin Board Service-It was decided to drop this to Dr. Surendra Singhvi and Soha Shah, Convention committee since it has lost its purpose. Co-convenors, for arranging the trip. 13. Smaller Jain Centers - Big Centers should help smaller Please mark your calendar now. The Convention Centers in Jain activities. Bigger Jain centers should schedule the is going to be the best ever. We will keep you posted scholar visits to the smaller centers day before or the day after the as the developments unfold. main event, so more Jain families are exposed to and have a chance to learn from the scholars. Anop R. Vora Convener, 2003 JAINA Convention JAIN DIGEST. SPRING 2002/5 Jain Education Intemational For Private & Personal Use Only


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