AM354: Gujarati uncle invite responses for handsome, brilliant, vegetarian, US born nephew, June 75, 6'0", 140 lb, BBA, well employed as Analyst, from cultured, educated, vegetarian girls. Call: 732/9400717.Email: ashah723@yahoo.com
AM358: Gujarati parents invite proposals for handsome, brilliant, vegetarian, US born son, April 75, 5'6", 150 lb, MD, 2nd year resident: internal medicine, planning cardiology fellowship, interested in music, Indian culture, from caring, well educated Jain girls. Call: 410/771-0251. Email: sbm, 1975@yahoo.com
F216: Sister invite proposals from wellsettled professionals for very beautiful, attractive, slim, cultured sister, 30 yrs / 5'2", 110 lb, MBBS, Physician in Bombay, visiting USA during January 2002. Phone: 763/416-5949. Email:
F233: Alliance invited by Gujarati Jain parents for beautiful, charming, talented, caring, affectionate, virtuous, vegetarian, US raised daughter, born July 66, 5'5", BS (chemistry), very well employed, from well educated, professionals. Call: 919/7769091.
F623: Agarwal Jain parents invite proposals with biodata from professional, cultured, non smoker boys, for vegetarian, pretty, fair, canadian born daughter, Oct 74, 5'1", 115 lb, Dip. Business/ network, pursuing BA (final) (sociology), employed full time in Fortune 500 Co., Call 905/4594357. Email: melmilap74@hotmail.com
F653: Gujarati parents invite responses for pretty, talented, successful, US born daughter, Sept 71, 5'3", DMD, practicing as Dentist, from well educated, cultured, professionals. Call: 502/239-4973. Email: ayk1971@hotmail.com
Jain Education International
F703: Alliance invited for beautiful, talented, slim, caring, US citizen Gujarati girl, 35 / 5'3", BS (Chemistry), MLT (ASCP), well employed, issue-less divorcee, from cultural, educated match. Call: 847/ 776-0191.
F762: Jain Gujarati parents invite responses for talented, beautiful, slim, vegetarian, US raised daughter, born Nov 75, 5'8", 125 lb, pursuing MBA, well positioned with Deloitte consulting, from well educated, professional, US raised boys. Call: 248/347
F773: Alliance invited by Jain parents (Intl. Business family) for Swiss born / citizen, beautiful, fair, charming, cultured, vegetarian, physician daughter, Oct 76, 5'6", MBBS-Geneva, doing internship, from well educated, professionally settled, handsome boys. Tel: 0041-22-8850355. Email: sanghvigeneva@yahoo.com
F790: Gujarati parents invite proposals for beautiful, fair, slim, attractive, virtuous Daughter, born Nov 77, 5'1", BS, pursuing MS (Comp), cultured, educated, vegetarian boys. Currently she is in India and willing to settle in USA. Call: 631/4239647 or 717/532-7311. Email: bipinkmehta@hotmail.com
F795: North Indian Jain parents invite responses for very beautiful, tall, slim, charming, talented, US born daughter, Nov 73, 5'4", 110 lb, MBA from a top school, very well employed with multinational co., from cultured, professional boys. Call: 860/ 429-8520.
F834: Gujarati parents invite correspondence with biodata/photo for US born, beautiful, charming, cultured, virtuous daughter, Nov 73. 5'6", 118 lb, MD, doing 3rd year residency in OB/GYN, from educated, vegetarian boys. Call: 513/ 563-5013. Email: mehta@fuse.net
For Private & Personal Use Only
F835: Uncle invite alliance for very pretty, charming, slim, talented, Gujarati Jain niece, born Aug 75, 5'4", 110 lb, BS Physical Therapy, employed as Physical Therapist, from well educated, cultured boys. Call: 908/222-1038. Email: jenn819@hotmail.com
F841: Gujarati family invite proposals for beautiful, slim, attractive, virtuous, vegetarian daughter, born July 79, 5'6", 105 lb, BS (Com), pursuing Masters, from cultured, educated boys. She is currently in India and willing to settle in USA. Call: 305/595-3833. Email:
F854: Gujarati parents invite correspondence for pretty, attractive, successful, vegetarian, US citizen daughter, born Dec 70, 5'5", BS (Intl business), very well employed in a reputed co., from cultured, educated boys. Call: 631/3850797.Email: bobby@tsiny.com
F880: Gujarati parents invite responses for pretty, slim, cultured, vegetarian, virtuous daughter, born Feb 75, 5'1", 100 lb, BS EE (Johns Hopkins Uni), well employed with reputed co., from cultured, educated boys. Call:410/551-9098. Email: sg22181@yahoo.com
F900: Uncle invite responses for pretty, slim, vegetarian Gujarati niece, born July 71, 5'5", 110 lb, Bcom, Dip. Broadcast animation, innocently divorced, No issue, from suitable cultured, educated match. Call: 573/756-9521.
F901: Gujarati parents invite alliance for beautiful, slim, vegetarian, accomplished, US born daughter, Aug 74, 5'0", 85 lb, MS, JD (law), working as lawyer in a reputed firm, from well educated, cultured, vegetarian boys. Call: 516/334-2299. Email: mkshah@rosenman.com