REGIONAL NEWS (continued)
eleven hours of instructions concluding pated in the Bay Area Veg Fair organized CANADA with a test.
by VegNews, North America's monthly veg. Dr. Mahendra Mehta, Regional Editor A historic groundbreaking ceremonyetarian newspaper. Information about the scheduled for February 18 will mark a ma- Jain Bhawan, Jainism, Jain food and the jor milestone for the Jain Bhavan Expan- benefits of a vegetarian way of life was made
TORONTO: ON sion Project, which has been in planning available at the JCNC's booth.
The winter of 2001-2002 has been unsince 1998. The construction is scheduled Information about forthcoming pro
usually quiet as more of our members preto begin in April 2002. grams and regular activities are posted on
fer to spend cold months in India pursuing Nearly 200 participants attended a two- JCNC's website at www.jcnc.org. Most re
their 'swadhaya' or traveling to various day Jainism conference organized by Pro- cent newsletter can also be downloaded
places of pilgrimage or visiting their famifessor Tara Sethia at California State Poly- from this website.
lies. technic University, Pomona. Scholars from
Diwali Celebrations: The executive comUSA, India, UK, Guam, Japan, Scotland SACRAMENTO, CA and New Zealand addressed the conference
mittee put up a well organized and fully
Jain Center of Greater Sacramento theme of The Lessons of Ahimsa and
subscribed Diwali event that earned great (ICGS) elected a new executive. Mohini appreciation from all members of the SociAnekanta for Contemporay Life.
Jain, President; Sunil Jain, Secretary; Raman ety. The sit-down' dinner and the quality Second Jain Pathshala Teachers Confer- Jain, Treasurer; and Manoj Desai, Value Ad- of program showed our Society has come ence is being held at the Jain Center of ministrator. JCGS has adopted new set of of age. Southern California May 25-27. For infor- bylaws, which has a provision to elect two
The Diwali Mithai Competition was a mation, please contact Kiran or Rajul Vasa out of four executive members every other
novel idea and it proved very successful. at 562/860-7273 or rkvasa@aol.com. year. JCGS organizes a number of activi
The event brought out hidden culinary talA convention for single Jain youths, age ties, religious celebrations, and lectures by
ents in our community. There were many 21 and over, will be hosted at the Jain Cen- visiting dignitaries. Contact person contact
letters of appreciation to the Editor of our ter of Southern California from May 17- Mohini Jain at mohini jain@msn.com.
Newsletter and this attests to the popular19. Registration information is available at
ity of the event. www.jain21.com website or by contacting SAN DIEGO, CA
The new Jain Society Directory was pubVipin Vadecha at 909/861-2677 or
Regular activities organized by Jain So- lished last month and well received by all vadechav@juno.com or Rashmi Shah at
ciety of San Diego (JSSD) include a members. It is very well organized with up310/541-8367 or krushmi@aol.com.
monthly Jainshala for children, adult classes, dated addresses, easy to follow and has a Information for all the upcoming events
swadhyay by Girishbhai Shah, and a weekly very attractive cover of Bhagvan Mahavir's is available on JCSC's website at
pooja every Saturday at Shri Mandir. For Kalyanak. www.jaincenter.net. For information, conadditional information, please contact
A quick glance at the directory tact Nitinbhai Shah, JCSC President, at
Kokilaben Doshi at 858/679-7645 or shows that our Society has undergone a 714/506-6699 or nitin.shah@med.va.gov. email: kdoshi@sandiego.edu.
record growth is last two years. More than
100 new families have joined our Sangh and SAN FRANCISCO, CA
this is reflected in greater attendances at Samanijis Charitrapragyaji and SEATTLE, WA
Snatra Puja, Paryushan, Swami Vatsalya and Shardaprajanaji are in the Bay Area till
Members of the Jain community in Se other societal functions and festivities. April. The Samanijis are giving a series of attle area meet on a monthly basis. Jain
The Seniors Meetings: This has become lectures on various topics four days a week
Pathshala is held on the 1st Saturday of the another fixture of our regular activities and as well as actively participating in children's
month and is conducted by Aleena. For many senior members look forward to this pathshala classes at Jain Bhawan.
additional details, call Aleena at 206/236- get together. Bhartiben Ghatalia organizes Nearly 140 children participated in a 0170. For information about Jain programs this meetings: second annual sieepover at the Jain Bhawan. please contact Mukesh Jain at 425/706- The Youth activities: The young Jains The children took part in discussions and
9697 or email: mukeshj@ microsoft.com. have regular activities every few months and also played quiz games including "Who
for the winter, they have organized Ski wants to be a Jain Scholar?" JCNC partici
Camp 2002 at Mansfield Outdoor Centre.
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