Book Title: Jain Digest 2002 01
Author(s): Federation of JAINA
Publisher: USA Federation of JAINA

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Page 21
________________ WHAT YOU SOW, SO YOU REAP Subhash Jain, Iowa City, lowa The doctrine can be also stated that one bears the consequences species of the krotones remain attached to the soul for different of his deeds. Several questions arise about the procedure, includ- duration and detach from the soul after executing the consequences. ing the question of its implementer. One can invoke a superpower This procedure raises a question. How do krotones transform for implementing the procedure (the role of the superpower will into different species with different durations? The transformabecome clear later). It implies that the superpower follows a pro- tion of krotones into appropriate species and durations is similar cedure. What could that procedure be? An attempt is made herein to the process familiar to every individual. It is a well known fact to understand this procedure. that particles of food (marter) gets transformed into different conA relation between deeds and its consequences implies the stituents of the body, and none of the food particles (particles of existence of universal and eternal laws. The procedure must fol- matter) know that it should get transformed in this particular way. low these laws. Similarly, the krotones, attached to the soul due to passions and The process of doing deeds follows a continuous course: hence actions of mind, body and speech, get transformed into different the procedure also must be continuous. species with different durations. All transformations take place There is a time gap between the time of award and the time according to universal and eternal laws. of execution; the procedure must take care of this time gap. The last requisite is easily fulfilled allowing the procedure to This contemplation implies life after death. The procedure modify the attached krotones. As the sentence of a prisoner is remust apply to the present and future lives. duced by his good conduct, similarly the species and durations of the attached krotones are modified by good conduct. Only souls transmigrate from one life to another; the procedure must be such in which the unexecuted consequences migrate The procedure is based on the doctrine of Karma propounded with souls. by Jainism. This doctrine includes an additional feature that al lows the soul to escape from the cycle of reincarnation. The soul Another common observation is that repentance affects ones gets librated from this cycle when all the krotones attached to the life. This contemplation implies that the present and future deeds soul are detached from it. According to the Jain philosophy, the affect the unexecuted consequences. The procedure must allow space in the cosmos is filled with infinite number of fine particles modifications in the unexecuted consequences. called karmic particles (karman vargana), not krotones. Due to Before we explore the procedure, let us understand the terms passions, the different species of the karmic particles get attached deeds and consequences. Deeds involve the action of mind, speech, to the soul for different duration and detach from the soul after and body (mana. vachana, and kaya) and they are governed by fruition. The attachment of the karmic particles to the soul is called "desires", which in turn give birth to attachment and aversion (rang Randha All Bandha. All living beings continue to migrate from one body to and dwesha) and ultimately to passions (anger, pride, deceit, and another through the process of birth and death as long as the karmic greed). In other words the deeds are controlled by passions and particles remain attached to the soul. The condition is achieved by actions of the mind, body, and speech. With the advent of the stopping the inflow of new karmic matter into the soul, referred computer, it is not difficult to perceive a procedure that involves to as Samvara, and shedding the already attached karmic particles matter, as matter has tremendous energy and can travel very fast, from the soul, referred to as Nirjara. Jiva, i.e. living substance. Con the sul vafo and the soul who is the doer of the deeds. It is not unthinkable to 1. Jiva, i.e. living substance. imagine that the space in the cosmos is filled with very fine par 2. Ajiva, i.e., non-living substance. ticles of matter; let us call these fine particles as “krotone" similar to other subatomic particles like proton, electron, neutron, etc., 3. Asrava, i.e., the influx of karmic matter into the soul. except that krotones are much finer than the known subatomic 4. Bandha, i.e., the bondage of karmic matter by the soul. particles. If krotones can atrach, and detach with the worldly souls, 5. Samvara, i.e., the stoppage of influx of karmic matter. it is then possible to conceive a procedure that utilizes the notion 6. Nirjara, i.e. the shedding of attached karmic matter. of attachment and detachment of the krotones with souls. 7. Moksha, i.e., the attainment of complete freedom from The procedure can be summarized as follows. Due to pas- karmic matter. sions and actions of the mind, body, and speech, the krotones are A firm conviction in the seven principles or tattvas leads to attached to the soul and are transformed into different species. Right Belief (Samyag-darsana), Right Knowledge (Samyag-jnana), Good actions cause the attachment of beneficial species and evil and Right Conduct (Smayag-charitra) which together constitute actions cause the attachment of harmful species. The different the path to salvation. JAIN DIGEST. SPRING 2002 / 19 Jain Education Intemational For Private & Personal Use Only


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