is not only prominent but paramount. It is at the basis as well as at the summit of Jaina preachings. Despite the supremacy of this inward reference, Jainas do not ignore the outer physical austerities. In keeping with this trend of exposition, we may say that Tapas admit of two kinds, namely, the external and the internal. The former is so called because of the preponderance of the physical and perceptible abandonment, while the latter is so called on account of the inner curbing' of mind. Besides, the designation 'external which is applied to a section of Tapas may be justified on the ground that they are capable of being pursued even by those who are not spiritually converted 3 We shall first dwell upon the austerities in their external forms.
EXTERNAL AUSTERITIES: The external austerities are six in kind, namely, 1) Anaśana, 2) Avamaudarya, 3) Vșttiparisa mkhyāna, 4) Rasaparityāga, 5) Viviktaśayyāsana, and 6) Kāyaklesa.* The Uttarādhyayana enumerates the six forms of external austerities thus: Anasana, Unodarī, Bhikṣācari, Rasaparityāga, Kāyakleša, Samlīnatā; i.e., instead of Bhikṣācarī and Samlīnatā there are Vsttiparisamkhyāna and Viviktaśayyāsana. respectively. However, these do not differ in meaning. 1) Anasana implies fasting or abstinence from food either for a limited period of time, or till the separation of the soul from the body. It is performed for the purpose of practising self-control, exterminating attachment, annihilating Karmas, performing meditation and acquiring scriptural knowledge, and not for the purpose of any mundane achievement whatsoever.? It may be noted here that Anasana has been recognised as the simultaneous renunciation of food and the attachment to it. Mere maceration of the body is not fasting. 2) Avamaudarya means not to take full meals; i.e., out of the normal quantity of thirty-two morselso for man, and twenty-eight for woman, the reduction of even one morsel will come within the range of this Tapa.10 The observance of this austerity has
1 Uttară. 30/7; Sarvärtha. p. 439; Sat. Vol. XIII. p. 54; Anagā. Dharmā. VII-6. 2 Sarvartha. p. 439. 3 Şat. Vol. XIII-p. 59; Anagă. Dharmā. VII-6. 4 Ta.sū. IX. 19; Bhaga. Arā. 208; Mülā. 346. 5 Uttarā. 30/8. 6 Mülā. 347,; Uttarā. 30/9,; Bhaga. Arā. 209. 7 Sar vārtha. p. 438. 8 Şat. Vol. VIII-p. 55. 'Morsel consists of 1000 rice grains (Anagā. Dharmā. VII-22.); Sat. Vol. XIII. p. 56. 10 Mula. 350; Bhaga. Arā.. 211 212; Anagā. Dharmā. VII-22,; Uttarā. 30/15,; Sat.
Vol. XIII- p. 56.
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