tion of a Gäñga grant in Vol. XIII, p. 216. As I have shown in Vol. VII, p. 107, note 4, akhafali, the person to whom the engraving of copper-plate grants is entrusted, means goldsmith,” and must not be confounded with akshapatalika, 'a keeper of records.'
Of the localities mentioned in this inscription, Kalinganagara (1. 1) is the present Mukhalingam," and Urāmalla, where the donee resided ( 1. 12), is Urlams where the copperplates were obtained. In the absence of local maps, I am unable to identify the village granted, Hopdevaka (1. 8 ), and another village, Eattaravanna, which seems to be referred to in the description of the boundaries of the former (116). The district of Krishtuka-vartanī (l. 8) occurs also in the Chicacole plates of Devendravarman."
First Plate; Second Side.
स्वस्ति [it] सर्व्वर्त्तुमुखरमणीयाद्दिजयकलिङ्गनमरा सकलभुवननिर्माणक2 सूत्रधारस्य भगवतो 'गोकर्षुखामिनचरणकमलयुगलमयामादपगत
3 कलिकलको विनयनवसम्पदामाधार खासिधारापरिस्पन्दाधिग
तस्रकल कलिङ्गाधिराज्यचतुरुदधितरङ्गमेखलावनितल प्रवि
ततामलयशा (:) अनेकसमरसंचोभणनितजयशब्दो' गाना
6 मलकुलप्रतिष्ठः प्रतापातियवानामित समस्त सामन्तचूडा
Second Plate; First Side.
7 मणिप्रभामष्वसैपुचरचितचरणो मातापितृपादानुयातः परम
8 माहेश्वरः श्रीमहाराज हस्तिव (1) क्रोष्टुकवर्त्तयां होण्डवकथामे स 9 व्यंसमवेतान्कुटुम्बिनमा प्रापयति [1] विदितमस्तु यो यथास्याभि[:]*
10 अमिन्ग्रामैग्रहारिबसकाशात्क्रीत्वा डाई इलस्य भूछेदीज्ञत्याचन्द्रार्क
11 प्रतिष्ठमप्रचारया सर्वकारः परित्व मातापित्रोराममय पुचाभिचयें " 12 उरामज्ञनिवासिने वक्तसगोत्राय वाजसनेयसब्रह्मचारिणे ज[य]
Second Plate; Second Side.
18 ये वाकयाष्टम्यासुदकपूर्व संप्रता [] तहिदित्वा सभूमिमनुपाल
14 यतां न केनचित्परिवाधा" कार्येति । सोमाविकानि चाच [1] पूर्वेच पीकत
› Cf. ' agasali, agasālavādu or agasālevādu, a goldsmith," in Brown's Telugu-English Dictionary. See share, Vol. IV, p. 187 ft.
This identification was suggested in the Madras Epigraphical Report for 1920, p. 96,
• Above, Vol. III, p. 181.
• From.ink-impressions supplied by Bao Bahadur H. Krishna Spatri,
Exprewood by a aymbol,
Bond बोक • Bond "संघम', 10 Bond क
● Band यथामाभिरमि"
11 Rend बाधा