reason is increasing population and increasing demands on resources to eke out existence.
Naturalists Vis Agriculturists:
When agriculture was first started accidentally by one person many people started following him. But some opposed it as they stuck to their forest based life style and were determined to preserve the natural forests from which they were getting food, clothing and everything they needed. These people were known as RAKSHASAS, which was derived from the word RAKSHA meaning protection of natural forests. The others who adopted agriculture were known as Suras from the world SUR meaning activity of cultivation. The society was then divided in two groups of SURAS or DEVAS and ASURAS or RAKSHASAS. The entire Indian mythology from Rigveda to Puranas is full of fierce battles between these two groups and atrocities of Devas or Suras, their chieftain the INDRA against Rakshasas or Asuras. Though Rakshasas were, if not better, equally powerful and more cultured, they were defeated gradually by Devas not because of superior might of Devas but by treacherous means. Devas would set fire to forests and consequently Rakshasas had to retreat to undestroyed forest areas but were eventually conquered and ideal civilisation and culture based on natural forests was destroyed for ever. Unfortunately history has always praised the conqueror and abused the conquered. It is why Vedas and Puranas of Indian mythology are full of praise for Devas and abuses for Rakshasas though the former were treacherous and destructive. In his research thesis, "Harappa culture and Vedic Literature" Bhagwan Singh has elaborately discussed the conflicts between the then agriculturist and non-agrilcutrist societies, known as Suras and Asuras or Devas and Rakshasas respectively. The ritual of 'yagna' or 'havan' (burning of wood, butter, cereals etc.) is reminiscent token of burning of forests by Devas or Suras for extending agriculture. The ritual is so much entrenched that it is essential prerequisite on most of religious and social functions in India.
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