advertisements pollute human mind and is not only waste of time and money but also causes eye diseases, head aches, loss of sleep, distraction of duties e.g. students from studies and imitation in real life the fights, violence, sex etc. Indulgence in sensuous pleasures of hearing viz. high decibel discos, singing in temples, marriages and other places is cause of various diseases from varying levels of noise pollution as mentioned earlier. Alcohol and other such intoxicating psychotropic drugs affect the nervous system and brain directly with serious debilitating effects. Brain loses its power of reasoning between good and bad. More crimes of murder, rape, theft etc. are committed under intoxication than by any other cause. In addition to restraint from indulgence in pleasures of five senses, intoxicating substances need to be banned effectively. Animals in forest, do not eat harmful plants but humans, because of sensuous indulgence, and though with higher brain and reasoning power indulge in consuming tobacco, drugs, spicy junk food etc. even being well aware of their harmful effects. Some persons are so much captive of their passions and sensuous indulgence that they are totally insensitive to the sad plight of others and even to national and international calamities of earthquakes, storms, droughts, floods and consequent hunger, diseases and miseries of people. The new year 2005 was after the 26th December 2004's one of the greatest human tragedy wrought by Tsunami sea waves, killing over a lakh and making several lakhs homeless, hungry and miserable. But people were insensitive even to such a tragedy and celebrated new year with all gala extravaganza and vulgar display of their wealth in pursuit of indulgence in sensuous pleasures. The money spent could have helped several needy destitute persons.
Five vows - antidote to irrational and emotional behavioural patterns :
The slavish disposition and excessive indulgence in above five sensuous pleasures and intoxicating substances accentuate hedonistic, and individualistic tendencies. It triggers more and
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