chemicals produced and the number is increasing. These are used in food processing, textile, tanneries, sugar, electronic and other industries and are discharged in water bodies, soil and air. Most of the synthetic food additives, the preservatives (Benzoic acid, Calcium propionate, Sorbic acid, Sulphur-di-oxide etc.), the antioxidants (Butylated hydroxyanisole, Propyle gallato etc.), the colouring agents and flavouring agents (Monosodium glutonate, saccharin), the emulsifiers (Lecithin, Polysorbates, Propylene glycol, Mono and diglycerides), the stabilizers and thickeners (Dextrin, Gelatine, Saccharides etc.) being used beyond permissible quantities are toxic and many are carcinogenic. Hazadous DDT, BHC though banned in developed countries are still used in large quantities in developing and poor countries notably India uses 77% of its total world production. Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB's) used in manufacture of electrical insulations, transformers, plastic food containers, epoxy resins, caulking compounds, wall and upholstery coverings, soaps, cosmetic creams, paints, glues, self duplicating papers, waxes, brake linings are as toxic as DDT. They are not bio-degradable, dispersed and are persistent in environment for years. PCBs are soluble in animal fat and stored in living tissue. They are found in cows milk, fish, in living tissue, meat and in human bodies. When decompose, the products of their decomposition are more toxic than original material. Though banned, yet are being used and even if their use is stopped, the adverse effects in environment will remain for long. Dioxin which is one of the deadliest poison is being disposed by burying in water bodies (e.g. 1000 kgs of waste contaminated with Dioxin is buried in Niagra falls). 75 grams of dioxin in drinking water is sufficient to kill a million people. All the harmful chemicals are ultimately discharged in environment, in soil, water and air. Recently the new electronic waste is increasing every year by leaps and bounds. Computers and other electronic appliances are getting obsolete within 2-3 years and their waste of billions of tonnes of cadmium, mercury, lead and chromium
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