Book Title: Environmental Doctrines of Jainism
Author(s): S M Jain
Publisher: S M Jain

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Page 18
________________ "Only one vow of compassion to all includes all other vows and is like a miraculous jewel bestowing fruits of all religious activities". 'करुणाए जीव सहावस्स 115/5/971 - Dhavala Tika "Compassion and kindness is very nature of all living beings i.e. all life-forms are symbiotic (interact for mutual benefit)". 'तिसिदं बुभुक्खिदं वा दुहिदं दहण जो दूं दुहिदमणो। पडिवज्जादि तं किवया तस्सेस, होदि अनुकंपा ||137।। __- Panchastikaya "To be sensitive towards any hungry, thirsty and suffering living being and to help any one in distress is compassion or non-violence". 'मैत्री प्रमोद कारूण्यमाध्यस्थानि च सत्वगुणा क्लिश्यमानाऽविनस्येषु ।।7/11r - Tatvarth Sutra "To have friendly, pleasant, compassionate and balanced dispassionate feelings towards suffering life forms is strengthening of vow of non-violence". "अभिमान, भय, जुगुप्सा, हास्यारति-शोक काम कोपाद्याः । हिंसाया पर्यायाः सर्वेऽपि च नरक सन्निहिता । 164|" - Purusharth Siddhyupaya "Vanity, fear, hatred, ridiculing, aversion, depression, sexual indulgence and anger are also forms of violence and should be avoided in observing the vow of non-violence". ‘सब्बे अक्कतं दुक्खा य, अतो सब्वे अहिसिया 111/10/4/8411 - Sutrakritanga "No living being should be killed or hurt. Non violence is for all". "अहिंसा तस-थावर-सव्वभूय खेमकरी 12/2/10511 - Prashnavyakaran Sutra Non violence is for happiness of all living beings". "एइंदियादिपाणा पंच विहावज्जभीरूण सम्म । णाउण य ठाणादिसु हिंसादि विवज्जणमहिंसा 111981 - Mulachar "Those who are afraid of bad deeds (sins) and observe non violence should not commit violence towards any life form from single sense to five sense organisms". "क्षितिसालिलदहनपवनारंभ विफलं वनस्पतिच्छेदम्। सरणं सारणमपि च, प्रमादचर्या प्रभाषन्ते ।।4/8011 - Ratnakarand Shravakachar "Some people have obnoxious habit of plucking of grass, leaves and flowers and crushing them, digging and buming fire, using fans to stir air unnecessarily without any purpose and just as a fun or habit. This should not be done". "शान्ताद्यष्टकषायस्य संकल्पैर्ननिस्त्रसान्। अहिंसतो दयार्द्रस्य स्याद हिंसेत्यणुव्रतमं 114/7||" - Dharmamrit "Vow of non-violence enjoins that no living being should be killed or hurt under the impact of emotions of anger, vanity, hypocrisy and greed etc. Each emotion has four grades of intensity viz. extremely violent, mild, lasting for very short time and momentary. Under these emotions violence should not be committed mentally, by speech and by body and also by one-self, getting done by others and even acquiescing violence by others". "प्राणानामनतिपातः सर्वभूतेषु सयंमः अप्रमादो व अहिंसा 116/711 - Jain Siddhant Dipika "Non-violence is not hurting in anyway any living being and to carry out all activities with restraint (Samyam) and awareness (Apramad)". परिसुद्धजग्गहणं दारूय-धान्नाइयाण तहचेव। गहियाण वि परिभोगो विहीइ तसरक्खणट्ठाए ।।25911 - Savayapannati


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