Book Title: Environmental Doctrines of Jainism
Author(s): S M Jain
Publisher: S M Jain

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Page 16
________________ To compensate this loss of natural productivity more and more chemical fertilizers are being added, reducing its natural productivity more and more. Rocks and minerals also have rejuvenating time cycles and get regenerated with the help of naturally occurring bacteria. One such bacteria which converts CO2 into CaCO3 have been found by scientists at the National Environment and Engineering Research Institute (NEERI), Nagpur (The Times of India, page 7 dated 17-0209. Jaipur Edition). The depletion of natural resources and even extinction of some is because of over exploitation by human beings. This is violence not only against those life-forms but also against our own future generations by depriving them from these bounties of nature. It is paradoxical that on the one hand we want our future generations to be happy but on the other hand we shall be exhausting most of important resources of crude oil, minerals, forests which may not last for next two to three hundred years at present rate of over exploitation. We shall also be guilty of polluting soil, water and air to such levels that even life may not be possible. Enlightened Jain thinkers visualized all these aspects and consequences. They devised measures to check deterioration and maintain healthy sustainable environment. The foremost measure ordained in Jainism is the Doctrine of Non-Violence. There is so much emphasis on non-violence that it has become its very identity and even its synonym. The dictum of Jainism is, 31& THER1" "Non-Violence is highest religion". There are five mandatory vows of non-violence, truth, nonstealing, non consumerism and celibacy prescribed for Jain laity and ascetics. The first vow of non violence is most important and other four are subsidiary and complementary to sustain and strengthen the first vow of non violence. *3fhaag ady ani 117/1/611" - Rajvartik "Non-violence is main vow among all other vows". "अहिंसा गहणे पंच महाव्वयाणि गहियाणी भवंति।।" - Dashavaikalik Churni "All the five vows are included in vow of non-violence". "अंहिसा परमो धर्मः, अवसेसा तस्सरक्खट्टा।' - Ahimsa Tatva Darshan "Non violence is highest form of religion, truth and other vows are its extensions". E cfa125" - Bodhpahud "Kindness and compassion for those suffering is nonviolence and it is true religion". BĚHT HY O affufue. Il "For non violence truth, non-stealing, purity of thought, speech, body and control of sensual pleasures are necessary". "अहिंसा प्रथमो धर्मः सर्वषामिति सन्मतिः । 13 di GHRH 1133/311 - Kunal Kavya "Non violence has first place and priority. Truth is second, saints have been singing paeans of praise for it" "अहिंसा व्रतमादौ क्रियते प्रधानत्वात्। fryrafa fecufiCHRICIA HERRI ARAY 117/1/343/4||" - Sarvarth Siddhi "Ahimsa occupies first place in five vows. The other four vows are like a fence for its protection. It is also the cause for four vows of truth etc." "णत्थि अणूदो अप्पं आयासादो अणुणयं णत्थि। GIE 06 MT HECİ 244 feu H afen 174011


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