Book Title: Environmental Doctrines of Jainism
Author(s): S M Jain
Publisher: S M Jain

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Page 41
________________ The other types of deeds are those done with equanimity and are good and fructify in peace and happiness. 34CITRICT eru: 449G HTC 1858 - Ashatsahasri Tika "Activities are continuing chain reactions of innate attributes of soul." DOCTRINE OF RATIONALITY (SAMYAKTYA) "पुवपरिणाम जुत्तं कारणभावेण वदृदे दव्वं । DER ROH ya a fer qui à form 123011 - Kartikeyanupreksha "Earlier modes (paryayas) i.e. intentions and actions generate new modes." gradila gd fafaa au CIFRARE|11/2011 - Sarvartha Siddhi "The karma or deeds done previously influence subsequent deeds. Thus the previous deeds are cause of present deeds which are effects. The present deeds are cause of future deeds which are effects. This cycle of cause and effect continues". One should therefore abstain from misdeeds and do only good deeds. It is bad deeds that create problems and sufferings for individuals, groups and societies. Only good deeds can neutralize the bad effects of bad deeds. The natural physical environment is also degraded and polluted by bad deeds, the anthropocentric attitude and over exploitation of natural resources to cater the growing consumerism and numbers. This can only be resurrected by stopping these bad deeds, optimizing numbers and consumption with in the carrying capacity of nature. "Samyaktva i.e. Rationality in belief, thought and action is key word in Jainism. It implies most appropriate, reasonable attitude and behaviour in a given situation in space-time-matrix (Dravya, Kshetra, Kaal, Bhaava) conforming to basic tenets. Samyaktva and superstition are diagonally opposite. There is no place for superstitious rituals, miracles, mantras etc. because the principle of Karma, intrinsic in Jainism clearly lays down that one reaps the fruits of one's own actions (Karma), good or bad. The bad karma and its bad results in suffering can be mitigated only or even neutralized by one's own efforts i.e. one's own good deeds and none else, any deity, gods or goddesses, mantra tantra by others can help. The liberated souls "Arhats', the idols of which we worship, do not do anything. The only objective of their worship is to recollect their teachings and follow them. Arhats, preached the good path they themselves tread. Begging worldly benefits from idols of Jain Tirthankaras is 'Mithyatva" i.e. wrong and is sin. "YRICTA sin fanfran:111/11 - Tatvarth Sutra "Rational belief (attitude), knowledge and conduct all three combined and simultaneous only is path to salvation i.e. freedom from all sufferings". It is important to note that in the above Sanskrit stanza there is deliberate grammatical mistake of using "T" (Singular form)


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