Book Title: Environmental Doctrines of Jainism
Author(s): S M Jain
Publisher: S M Jain

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Page 43
________________ The second component of Rationality (Samyaktva) is "Nikankshit" i.e. desirelessness. कर्मपरवशे सान्ते दुखैरन्तरितोदये। पापबीजे सुखेनास्था. श्रद्धानाकाक्षणा स्मृता।।121 - Ratnakarand Shravakachar "Pleasures and sufferings are consequences of one's own good and bad deeds. One should maintain composure in good and bad situations and should not have unlimited desire for pleasures." The third is 'Nirvichikitsa' i.e. equanimity "स्वभावतोऽशुचौ काये, रन्तत्रयपवित्रिते। निर्जुगुप्सा गुणप्रीतिः, मता निर्विचिकिस्तिता। 1311 - Ratnakarand Shravakachar "Body etc. are impure and can be purified by Rational belief, knowledge and conduct. There are sufferings from hunger, thirst, cold and heat and also ugly things and aspects. One should have equanimity and should not have feelings of hatred for any". The fourth is Amudha Drishti i.e. righteousness without superstitions “एकान्त दूषिते वादे. लोकरूढी कुलिंगिनि। कुदेवेऽमूढदृष्टित्वे कर्त्तव्यं हिता मिप्सुना। 16711 - Solahkaran Bhavana Vivek "Rationalist is not superstitious and does not pay obeisance to gods and goddesses, pseudo saints for getting material benefits. Gains and losses are result of one's own actions and none else can do or undo it." The fifth is 'Upgoohan' i.e. sobriety or not propagating short comings of others - स्वयं शुद्धस्य मार्गस्य, बालाशक्तजनाश्रयाम्। वाच्यतां यत्प्रमार्जन्ति, तद्वदन्त्युपगूहनम् । 1151 - Ratnakarand Shravakachar "Rationalist does not propagate the shortcomings or failing of fellow beings to defame them." The sixth is 'Stithikaran' i.e. to support and help : 'दर्शनाच्चरणाद्वापि, चलतां धर्मवत्सलैः । प्रत्यवस्थापनं प्राज्ञैः, स्थितिकरण मुच्यते।।16। - Ratnakarand Shravakachar "The Rationalist (Samyagdrishti) will extend support to the fellow beings, who have strayed from righteous path, to bring them back from wrong path." The seventh is 'Vatsalya' i.e. affection : "स्वयूथ्यान्प्रति सद्भाव सनाथापेतकैतवा। प्रतिपत्तिर्यथायोग्य, वात्सल्यमभिलप्यते।।17 ||" - Ratnakarand Shravakachar "He extends unconditional love and affection towards fellow beings like a cow to its off spring". The eighth component of rationality (Samyaktva) is 'Prabhavana' i.e. preaching, publishing and propagating righteousness: "अज्ञानतिमिर व्याप्ति-मपाकृत्य यथायथम्। जिनशासनमाहात्म्य प्रकाशः स्यात्प्रभावना।।1811 Ratnakarand Shravakachar "It is the duty of rational beings to remove ignorance and superstitions by spreading the message of enlightened ones Arhats' and their doctrines". Under the pretext of this component of rationality a lot of money and effort is being wasted in obsolete ineffective rituals. Renowned scholar late Chainsukhdas cautions against these in his book 'Solahkaran Bhavana Vivek': हेतुः प्रभावनायाः कालक्षेत्राद्य प्रेक्षया नित्यम्। विदूषा विवर्तनीयोऽन्यद्योन्नतिभैव धर्मस्य । 130211


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