Book Title: Environmental Doctrines of Jainism
Author(s): S M Jain
Publisher: S M Jain

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Page 21
________________ "से जहाणाभय - केइ पुरिसे तरूणे बलवं जाव णिउप्पसिप्पोवगए एंगं पुरिसे जुण्णं जराज्जरियदेह जाव दुब्बलं किलतं जमलपाणिणा मुद्धाणंसि 3nfTefTWITT ||19/3|| - Bhagavati Sutra "The earth form (soils, rocks, minerals) and plant forms when hurt also feel same intensity of pain as felt by a sick, weak, old person when hit on head by the fist of a strong young man". This illustrates that even one-sense (possessing only one touch sense) life-forms feel pain as five sense animals and human beings. General assumption is that as number of senses is less and less, intensity of feeling of pain is proportionately less. But the fact is that absence of senses is compensated by remaining senses. It is well known that ants with only three senses of touch, taste and smell have many more times power of smell than human beings. Like-wise one sense earth forms, air-forms, water-forms, energy (fire). forms also have the same sensitivity to pain as those possessing more number of senses even all the five. Therefore it is wrong to believe that more sin is committed in killing or hurting higher sense lifeforms. If this is understood and realized then no harm will be done to environment. Though Jainism is meticulous in defining slightest form of violence it is very practical and permits violence in self defense and for protection of kin, women, children, religious and cultural heritage and the country. There have been great Jain warriors in history. "यः शस्त्रवृत्तिः समरे रिपुः स्यात् य कंटको वा निजमंडलस्य । अस्त्राणि तत्रैव नृपरा क्षिपान्ति, न दीनकानीन शुभाशयेषु ।। - Yashastilak Champu "Jain house holder should not harm poor, weak and good person but if some egoist attacks religion co-religiosity and family he should take up to defend. "अर्थादन्यतमस्योच्य रूदिष्ट सु स दृष्टिमान। Her T: REGIJ 118121" "यद्वा न हयात्म सामर्थ्य यत्रन्मंत्रासिकशकम् । AIGGS a siga acara 16 7 2 1813 11" Panchadhyayi "Whenever an enemy attacks and family, society, nation, religious places, ideals are in danger, a jain should not tolerate it and take up arms in and use all his power in defense and protection. It does not violate the vow of non-violence". There are various questions whether it is at all possible to follow the Doctrine of Non-violence. "जले जन्तुः स्थले जन्तुराकारो जन्तुरेवच। जन्तुमाला कुले लोके कथ भिक्षुराहिंसकः ।।' "There are living beings in water, on earth, in space and entire universe is full of life-forms, then how it is possible to observe nonviolence? The answer is - "सूक्ष्मा न प्रति पीड्यन्ते प्राणिनः स्थूलमूर्तयः । ये शक्यास्ते विवय॑न्ते का हिंसा संयतात्मनः ।। "Live-forms are of two types; minute (bacteria etc.) which are not visible and gross (bigger) which are visible. Invisible minute life-forms neither create obstruction nor can be obstructed and nor hurt nor killed. The bigger ones can be protected by leading a careful disciplined life." The answer is very scientific. Bacteria and other microbes have miraculous adaptability. There are bacteria, which live in high temperature in volcanoes and others which live in extreme cold several degrees minus temperature. This also allays fear of committing violence while breathing, drinking water etc. Breathing is an essential activity of living beings and life in air-form itself or other minute life-forms in air will certainly not be affected by body temperature while inhaling filtered through nose and exhaling breath. Likewise water properly


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