Book Title: Elusive Consciousness Author(s): Narendra Bhandari, Surendrasingh Pokharana, Jitendra B Shah Publisher: L D Indology Ahmedabad View full book textPage 9
________________ Anxiety", (Coleman,J.C.(1983). Effective Behavior & Psychology. Bombay: Taraporewala.) and by Randall as the "Spiritual bankruptcy of 20th century man". Victor Frankle describing this characteristic feeling of the age as "Existential Vacuum", says, "More and more patients are crowding our clinics and consulting rooms complaining of an inner emptiness, a sense of total and ultimate meaninglessness of their lives." In his investigations Frankle found that 81% of American students admitted of experiencing this feeling of total void. Frankle describes this fact of modern life as a challenge to psychiatry and finds its roots, like Roszak, in the wrong concept of man, the reductionist one, taught by modern science. In this context, Erikson rightly describes the crisis of modern youths as 'Identity crisis". In short, in this contemporary context, there is an urgent need for such a concept of man which should be not only 'holistic' or 'religious" or "spiritual" underlying consciousness principle, and hence be capable of filling the inner void of modern man, but it should also be rational and the "scientific." Because the concept of man invariably underlies all human interactions, Maslow rightly finds it more necessary to have proper understanding of man than to have atom bombs of factories. As he says, "If we improve human nature, we improve all for we remove the principal of world disorders. But human improvement depends upon understanding of human nature...It is for this reason that the world needs insights that psychology can with time produce. More than bombs or new religions or diplomats or factories, more than physical health and new drugs to win it, we need an improved human nature. It is for this reason that I feel a sense of historical urgency as well as an increased awareness of the responsibility of the psychologist. This is a responsibility to the human race and it should give the psychologist a Sense of Mission and a Weight of Duty beyond those of other scientists." In short, as a fundamental step towards the solution of the Individual, existential and the Cultural crisis of modern man, epistemological shift ( Sorokin & Royce) in the concept of man is needed. The mankind has to be provided with a new concept of man, a new image of man or to say more technically, a new theory of personality which is holistic-spiritual, consciousness-based and scientific both, satisfying reason and intuition both. This is the reason why an attempt has been made here to derive a Spiritual Theory of Personality based primarily on Samkhya 9Page Navigation
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