Book Title: Elusive Consciousness
Author(s): Narendra Bhandari, Surendrasingh Pokharana, Jitendra B Shah
Publisher: L D Indology Ahmedabad
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In short, many empirical findings in various natural and behavioral sciences have raised serious doubts against mechanistic assumptions of science. The anomalies of these sciences represent the Theoretical Crisis and their explanation demands nonmechanistic and spiritual type of theory including consciousness aspect of reality.
Spiritual Theory of Personality (Yoga Psychology)
The Spiritual Theory of personality, as discussed here, is based on Indian philosophical wisdom. Indian Philosophical systems have been divided into two groups:
Vaidic darshans and Avaidic darshans.
Six classical systems of Indian philosophy known as NyayaVaisheshik, Samkhya-Yoga and Purva-Mimansa- Uttarmimansa are said to be vaidic philosophy who accept the authority of vedas, while Jaina, Bauddha and Charvak Philosophy are said to be avaidic philosophies. Barring Charvak, all the systems of philosophy accept, in one way or the other,
Body-Self distinction., Triode of Body-Mind-Self The Self or soul as the transcendental principle of consciousness. Law of karma and principle of transmigration. Liberation to be the ultimate goal of life.
Liberation underlies Self-realization which means realizing the self as different from body and as the transcendental principle of consciousness.
With reference to these commonly accepted principles about self and consciousness, an attempt is made here to present the most representative theory of human personality.
Though the spiritual theory of personality discussed here is primarily based on the
Samkhya sutras of Kapil, Vijnabhikshu's commentary on it (Samkhya Pravachan Bhashya), Ishwarkrishna's Samkhya Karika and Vachaspati's commentary on it (Samkhya Tattva Kaumudi)