Book Title: Elusive Consciousness
Author(s): Narendra Bhandari, Surendrasingh Pokharana, Jitendra B Shah
Publisher: L D Indology Ahmedabad
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Pokharna, S S. (1982) Some interesting ideas about ESP in Jainism, ibid, (abstracts of this conference can be found in the Indian Journal of psychology, Vol. 4, No. 1, (Jan. 1982, late publication)
Pokharna SS (1985), A new investigation into the problem of perfect determinism in modern science- Indian Philosophical Quarterly, Vol. XII, No. 1, January, pp. 67-83.
Pokharna Surendra Singh (1987) Some fundamental problems of biology, sociology, psychology, parapsychology, religion and spirituality : a systems approach- The Vedic Path, Quarterly. Journal,: Vedic Indo, & Science and Research, Volume L,1, June.
Pokharna S S (1988) ESP in het Jainisme, (De visie van eennaturkundige), tijdschriftvoor parapsychology (in Dutch language), Jaargang 5-6-Oktober, pp 11-25.
Pokharna SS (1991) Understanding the problem of conservation of natural resources and the environment from first principle: Extension of General Systems Theory is required in many areas, Proceedings of a2 days conference on Dynamic Systems and Control held at, Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad (Nov.28-29), pp. 1-18. Pokharna S S (1995) Environmental issues and sustainable development: Need to study the human-environment interaction using General Systems Theory, presented in the UN sponsored Inter. Conf. on Environment, Sustainable Development and Human health, being organized by the Banaras Hindu University, Banaras (Feb 11-15)
Pokharna Surendra Singh (2006), Science and spirituality, Proc. of a Two day seminar held at Kurushektra University, Kurushektra (India), pp. 86-90, Nov 4-5
Pokharna Surendra Singh (2008), Science Technology and new paradigm of Philosophy: Modern interpretation of Jain Philosophy (in four parts)-Tirthankar Vani, published from Ahmedabad, Vol. 08, pp.53-58 (May 2008), Vol. 9, pp. 59-62 (June 2008), Vol. 10, pp 59-61 (July 2008) and Vol. 11-12, pp. 73-75, Aug-Sept 2008.
Pokharna Surendra Singh (2010) Limitations of Scientific knowledge and the concept of knowledge through consciousness in Jain philosophy. See abstracts