Book Title: Elusive Consciousness
Author(s): Narendra Bhandari, Surendrasingh Pokharana, Jitendra B Shah
Publisher: L D Indology Ahmedabad
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ever had in the past. Really speaking, this is a subject of occultism and spiritual science, and hence our experimental science had natural limitations. So the author has tried to evolve a hypothesis, which starts with logic, then available scientific knowledge is applied and ultimately again logic leading to “Speculative VISION” is applied. Hence, he does not claim that things presented here are all the way scientific, but he assures you a great experience, opening up "the dialogues" and assures that you will have a chance to examine several fantastic possibilities. Who knows truth may unfold itself in coming years, from these possibilities. The author has already received several queries from internet, after floating it on the same
This is indeed unique. You will agree that such a prolonged continuous Jain fasting for religious (Spread of Ahimsa and other high mottos) & scientific purposes (to create awareness about Sun-energy) & also aimed at solution of four way human crisis (Physical, Mental, food & neurological) under scrupulous daily medical supervision is unheard of. It's just fantastic, and absolutely amazing, but this is not a myth. It's not happening in Himalayas or distant jungles; it is happening in Ahmedabad, Gujarat (India) in the continuous presence of public & under strict medical check & supervision by team of expert doctors.
There is no reason to be skeptic; one may personally come and himself or herself check & scrutinize; as we doctors have done all these months & fellow men have been staying with him all throughout. Several visitors also see him throughout the day and night. No body ever had encountered even a doubtful situation. All of them have been satisfied with the genuinity. Even he was kept in a nursing home for more than a month for a critical checking as well as medical tests. He has been isolated from his relatives who are staying at Calicut. He is kept in a two room flat, which is totally devoid of any kind of food.
Several doctors from India, Gujarat, Ahmedabad and abroad have from time to time examined and are unable to explain the scientific basis from current clinical knowledge, while declaring the genuinity of fasting. A team of medical doctors have supervised (medical examination as well as laboratory tests) throughout these fasting. This comprise of Dr. Sudhir Shah M.D.,D.M.(neuro), Dr. Nalin Gheewala M.D., Dr. Viresh Patel M.D., Dr. Navneet Shah M.D.(Physician and endocrinologist), Dr. K.K.Shah M.S. Gen.Surgery, Dr.Kalpesh Shah M.D.Radiologist, Dr. Gaurgey Sutaria Radiologist, Dr. Jayesh Sheth, Dr. P G.