Book Title: Elusive Consciousness
Author(s): Narendra Bhandari, Surendrasingh Pokharana, Jitendra B Shah
Publisher: L D Indology Ahmedabad
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and paper in Proc. Three day conference on Scientific Development and our Responsibility, organized by the Gyan Sagar Science Foundation, New Delhi and held in Bangalore, Jan 29-31 (2010). Published in Journal of Gyan Sagar Science Foundation, Vol. , Issue 1, pp. 24-33, April 1, 2013.
Pokharna Surendra Singh (2011), Need to Explore General Systems Theory and Quantum Mechanics for Better Understanding of Human-Agriculture-Climatic interaction and Agricultural Order, in Souvenir & Abstracts of National Workshop on Stress Agriculture and climate change: Exploring the synergy with natural resources management in agriculture (NaRMA-III) organized by PROM society Udaipur and RAU Bikaner, pp. 54-55 (Dec 21-22)
Pokharna Surendra Singh (2013) Knowledge, Order and Evolution, See abstracts in Proc. Of Two day conference on Scientific Development and our Responsibility, organized by the Gyan Sagar Science Foundation, New Delhi and held in Mumbai, Jan 7-8 (2012). Published in Journal of Gyan Sagar Science Foundation, Vol. , Issue 1, pp. 69-79.
Pokharra Surendra Singh (2012a) Power of mind, Extra Sensory Perception and Remote Sensing: Need to explore possibilities of new frontiers of knowledge and new concepts, Signature, (A quarterly newsletter of Indian Society of Remote Sensing, Ahmedabad Chapter, January-March, pp. 100-106.
Pokharna · Surendra Singh (2012b) Knowledge of Science and Human Consciousness, DNA (Ahmedabad Edition, April 5, 2012), pp. 4, Ahmadabad
Pokharna Surendra Singh (2012c) Limitations of Scientific knowledge and the concept of knowledge through consciousness in Indian philosophy, Presented at 10th International Conference, organized by the World Association for Vedic Studies (WAVES, 2012) and held at the University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth (July 13-15), In press.
Pokharna Surendra Singh (2012d) Exploration of General Systems Theory and Jain Philosophy Could Provide New Ways of Looking at the Field of Bioethics, The Journal of Inter Religious Dialogue (IRD), Issue 12, Spring 2013. Also see in The 2012 Claremont International Jain Conference on Bioethics: Religious and Spiritual Approaches, held at the Claremont Lincoln University, August 24-25, 201, presented 2 through Video conferencing. See link. www.Clairmont_Aug\Surendra Singh Pokharna Jain Studies - Claremont Lincoln University.mht