Book Title: Elusive Consciousness
Author(s): Narendra Bhandari, Surendrasingh Pokharana, Jitendra B Shah
Publisher: L D Indology Ahmedabad
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enunciated by Darwin about 150 years ago. At that time there was no genetics. With this new development, the same principle was termed as Neo Darwinism. Under this name natural selections at genetic level is considered during mutation and those genes are selected which are superior in functionalities. (Wikipedia)
Darwin also talks of evolution of human beings and mammals and observes that all humans have striking similarities with apes and hence humans evolve from apes through natural selection in very slow processes over long time. He observes that there are no goals or directions for species to evolve, say like for highly developed species like human beings and animals, which might be partly determined by value system prevalent in the society. etc. However, Darwin's ideas are based on analysis of past data and develop correlations among them to establish his hypothesis. But there are no goals for species. They only look at nearby future and attempts to survive. (Wikipedia). At this juncture, it is also necessary to understand the important role of education of The Darwin's principle of evolution on the society and the environment. Goldsmith (1990) feels that it is due to too much emphasis of the education of this Darwin's principle of evolution that so much damage has been done to the environment. Dennet (1995) has written a book whose title is Darwin's Dangerous Idea: Evolution and the Meanings of Life", put lot of emphasis on designing of morality, the risk involved with the Darwin's principle of evolution and its education. In view of this situation, there is a need to examine the Indian principle of evolution of soul in some details. Hence it is necessary to study the Jain's principle of evolution which is characterized by the principle of "Live and Let Live" and it emphasizes on recognizing the underlying identity among all living beings.
3.5 Human understanding is neither deterministic nor random but is Noncomputational
Another interesting consequences of this development is the proposal that human understanding is neither deterministic nor random but is Non-computable, and contradicts the concept used in artificial intelligence that human understanding is completely computable. It presupposes that space-time geometry can have information in spin foams at Planck's level when we consider quantum gravity. Reduction of quantum superposition at this level is governed by this information, which we cannot control. A similar objective reduction occurs at brain level through "tubulins", the quantum systems operating within neurons through microtubules.