Book Title: Elusive Consciousness
Author(s): Narendra Bhandari, Surendrasingh Pokharana, Jitendra B Shah
Publisher: L D Indology Ahmedabad
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nor random but is uncomputable, an idea which is against the concept from artificial intelligence that human understanding is completely computable. It is based on a concept that space-time geometry can have information in spin foams at Planck's level when we talk of quantum gravity. A possibility is there that one can a process of reduction of a quantum superposition state at his level and this reduction is governed by this information, which we cannot control. A similar objective reduction takes place at brain level through what are now known as tubulins, the quantum systems operating within neurons through microtubules. The two objective reductions are related with each other. Again the uncertainity in our knowledge is reflected at very micro level.
3.3 Anekantavad and the principle of Complementarity:
Scientifically, the closest approach to understand anekantavad is by the "principle of complementarity", which is the cornerstone of modern physics. Neils Bohr, who propounded the basic principles of quantum mechanics, had difficulty in explaining the behaviour of certain particles in the micro- world, particularly the observed phenomenon of particle-wave duality, which apparently seemed contradictory to common sense since it was presumed that a photon or an electron, a material particle can not be a wave, which is only a vibration. The two are fundamentally different. An entity can be one or the other but not both. Bohr explained this seemingly contradictory behaviour by stating that the two are actually complementary aspect of their true nature. He used the Chinese concept of Yin and Yang, which have opposite characteristics (color, orientation, eyes etc of the fishes) but coexist and both together represent the whole. Anekantavad goes a step further and states that is not just the duality (such as particle and wave nature of the elementary particles) which needs to be explained but many (anek) or even infinite modes of behaviour that are manifested when one goes to more subtle, smaller constituents of matter, ultimately to the level of indivisible paramanu.
Anekanta not only accommodates but takes a synergetic view between. seemingly contradictory propositions in several aspects of micro- world, mental perception as also in the spiritual domain. It also leads to the concept of avyakta or inexpressibility of certain states. Science has progressed on the assumption that everything is logical and expressible and does not permit inexpressibility of any characteristics. In contrast anekanta emphasizes that some of the aspects are indescribable or inexpressible. Questions which cannot be answered unambiguously, either in the affirmative or negative, such as the