(18) unless otherwise designated called the trustees)
f the other part. Whereas the said Panachand Hirachand, Manekchand Hirachand, Navalchand Hirachand and Premchand Motichand aro absolutely possessed of or otherwise well and sufficiently entitled to the piece or parcel of land or ground hereditaments and pren ises hereinafter described (and here palter unless otherwise designated referred to as the trust estate) free from in :umbrances. And Where is the said settlors are desirous of establishing a Jain Boarding House for the use and benefit of their fellow countrvmen, of the Jain casto in order to perpetuale he memory of their father Hirachand Gumanji, and whereas for the charitable purposes aforesaid the said settlors are desirous of settling the said trust estate to the uses upon the trusts and for the ends, intents and purpos-s and with and subject to the powers, provisoes, charges, declarations, and &greements hereinafter limited, declared and contain=d. Now this Indenture witnesseth that in pursuance of the said desire and in consideration of the premises they the said Panachand Hirachand, Manekchand Hirachand, Navalchand Hirachand an] Premchand Motichand do by these presents .grant, convey and assure unto the said Panachand Hirachand, Mauekchand Hirachand, Navalchand Hirachanda
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