and on or towards the South by the Public Passage and which said land hereditaments and premises are now in the possession of the said Panachand Hirachand,Manekchand Hirachand Nawalchand Hirachand, and Premchand Motichand and which said premises are particularly delineated in the ground plan thereof hereto annexed and marked with the letter A. and therein coloured by a red boundary line and which said land hereditaments and premises are for the purpose of the Stamp Act, estimated to be of the present market value of rupees forty thousand. Together with all houses, cut houses, buildings yards, ways, wells, waters, water courses, sewers, ditches, drains, lights, liberties, easements, profits, privilages and a appurtenances, whatsoever to the said piece or parcel of land or ground hereditaments and premises or any part thereof belonging or in any-wise appertaining or with the same or any part thereof now or at any time heretofore usually held, used, occupied or enjoyed or reputed to belong or be appertenant thereto, and all the estate, right, title, interest, claim and demand whatsoever both at Law and in Equity of them the said Panachand Hirachand, Manekchand Hirachand, Navalchand Hirachand and Prem. chand Motichand into or upon the said piece or parcel of land or ground hereditaments and
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