residue the trustees shall set apart a sum of Rupees twenty five per month for the purposes of the maintenance of a Dera (temple) to be hereafter erected on a position of the said land such as paying as a Poojari and lighting the temple and keeping Pooja articles such as Kesar
e. and out of the residue shall pay the salary of a propers superintedent and shall appoint a proper person as superintendent to look after the boys or youngmen to be admitted to the Boarding House under or by virtue of this settlement with power to remove him and to appoint another in his stead and shall appoint & managing Committee for the management of the said Boarding House with power to remove the Fame or any member thereof and to appoint others, and shall have full power to make rules. and from time to time to abrogate, alter, and add to the game for the guidance of such mana... ging Committee and superintendent and generally for the purpose of carrying out this settleinent and the object thereof provided only that. no such rule shall be against the law or in consistent with the provisions hereof. Further that the said trustees shall out of the residure of the income and rent including the general charges of carrying one tenth for payments of scholarships to poor Jains engaged in learning the Jain Shashtras in Sanskrit and another four
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