The Trust-deed of Sheth Birachand Gumanji
Jain Boarding School
Stamp Rs. 200.
Daily No. 6 of 23rd
1 January 1900. Received fees as follows:- Presented at the Registration fee Rs. 40-0-0 Bombay Sub-Registrar Copying fee Rs. 6-9-0 office on Tuesday the (12 Fols.)
23rd January 1900 at Total Rs. 46-9-0 2-15 P. M.
માણેકચંદ હીરાચંદ. M. W. Gadgil,
M. W. Gadgil, Sub-Registiar.
Sub-Registrar. This Indenture p a le the 4th day of December in the Christian year one thousand eight hundred and ninty nine betw en Panachand Hirachand, Manekchi ni Hirac hand, Navalchand Hjrachand and Premchand Motichand all of Bombay Hindocs professing the Jain Digaml'er faith (hereinafter unless otherwise designated called the settlors) of the one part and the said Panachand Hirachand, Manekohand Hirachand, Navalchand Hirachand, Premchand Motichand, Raja Dba: amchandra, son of Raja Bahadur Nussavir Jung (Deen Dayal) and Hirachand Nemchand all of Bombay Hindoos following the same Digamker Jajn religion (her in: iter
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