15.3 Explanatory Verses of Fourth Doctrinal Verse
Destruction of CD Karma
As a rule, the existence of accumulated earlier-earned karmas is non-changeable in two (human and subhuman) destinities and changeable in the other two (celestial and infernal) destinities.
: (191)
Their existence is changeable in five embodiments of onesensed class of non-mobile beings.
Their existence is not changeable in the four (2-5 sensed) mobile and instinctive living beings. No living being is capable of ascending the destructional ladder of karmas until he acquires the mode of mobile beings.
[However, their existence is changeable in case of 2-4 sensed beings, non-mind-endowed 5-sensed and temporally non-completioned mindendowed 5-sensed beings].
Jain Education International
As a rule, the destroyer of karmas has the earlier-bound karmas acquired during the innumerable births in one-sensed class. Similarly, he has also the earlier-bound karmas accumulated through 1, 2, 3 etc. up to numerable births as mobile being.
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