Destruction of CD Karma : (227)
Two Generalities
As a rule, as many as intensity-based intensity reductions which have entered into fruitional Āvali earlier due to the destruction of duration are transformed into those intensity-based intensity reductions which have prematurated due to specific efforts. [It means that pre-maturated intensity reductions = non-pre-maturated intensity reductions. Further, the karmic mattergies in one form may change into other form due to internal and external causes. This is their nature not to be doubted. ).
As a rule, the minimal and maximal intensity-based intensity reductions, equal to innumerableth part of the total in the last Āvali (of fruitional Avali) less by a Samaya, are transformed into innumerable, major portion of mediate intensity-reductions.
(Fruitional Avali less by a Samaya, means just a Samaya before fruition. This transformation occurs just before the entry into the Fruitional Avali).
15.4 Doctrinal Verse-4
While experiencing another composite intensity-reduction through attenuation after experiencing a specific intensity reduction, does the karmic destroyer destroy the remnant part of the earlier-experienced intensity reduction either (1) by fruition or (2) by self-effort through attenuation or (3) transition in other species? Further, what portion of the earlier-earned IR remains when it undergoes transition in another IR?
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