are indeed, superficial possessions. In acquiring them, you acquire anxiety. If only men were to realise this through learning and experience, then the attraction which power and money wield over human beings would be utterly routed.
I would have a man go through his life like a mirror. What is the characteristic of a mirror? It welcomes all, but it embraces none. With severe detachment it reflects the object placed before it, but the moment that object is moved away, the mirror resumes its tranquillity and purity. Thus give a courteous reception to everything, but do not embrace and clutch tightly anything. If honour and glory come your way, welcome them, but accord the same welcome to insults and calumny. If life offers you happiness, welcome it; but if it brings you pain and suffering accept them with the same equanimity. Thus does your looking-glass offer you an insight into life.
The saints and seers of all ages and of all countries have set this ideal before us. They welcomed joy and sorrow with the same imperturbability.
I am reminded of an incident in the life of Bhagwan Mahavir. The time was drawing nigh when he