not ask you to relinquish your possessions, on the contrary it tells you to accumulate them, accumulate as much as you can, for such an opportunity will not come your way again; only, accumulate such things as can be retained even when all else you possess has to be relinquished. Religion is a matter of receiving, not of relinquishing; of securing, not of renouncing. let
If y wish to possess the must very best, you the paltry. If you want to hold a fistful of diamonds, you must first let fall the pebbles from your hands. How do you expect to attain true happiness without first setting yourself free from "Kashaya" the vices of anger, ego, deceitfulness and covetousness? When your heart is dark with lust how can it be filled with the light of love? How can you hold diamonds without relinquishing the pebbles?
It is the means that determine the ends. When the means are pure, your mind, your spirit attain a crystalline purity and through that purity you attain your ultimate aim.
When you wash soiled clothes with soap, they become white and sparkling. But if, in the darkness, you mistake a piece of coal for a cake of soap, then will your clothes get cleaner or dirtier? It does not