has bathed and washed himself scrupulously clean and dressed himself in spotless clothes, even a speck of dust will cause discomfort and uneasiness. But does an animal which wallows in filth ever think of bathing itself?
The man with true strength hides it in quiet selfrestraint; he does not trumpet it from the house-tops. It flows calmly within him, always there to help him when necessary. It is the inner strength of character which is the true strength. As Lord Tennyson says with reference to Sir Galahad:
My strength is as the strength of ten,
Because my heart is pure. When an atom explodes it produces unbelievable energy. When the shell of the ego bursts, the core which is within, which is your true self, your spirit, shines forth with a dazzling brilliance. When will this shell of the ego shatter? When you enter deep within yourself, when you reach the core of your being. But most people only care to nibble at the outer shell. The kernel of the coconut, its sweet water, can be had only when you break its outer shell. · The ego is the shell; within it is the nucleus, the essence of your real self. The ego seeks fame, it asks