emperor. The mother who was a very pious woman felt that to become an emperor was something which might be of importance in the present birth of her child, but the massacres it would involve and the perilous path her son would have to tread was a matter which would affect the soul of her child in many births to come. If this was the price to be paid for an emperor's sceptre and crown, was it worthwhile: She took a file and sawed off the edges of her son's teeth. Naturally, the child suffered great pain, but for the welfare of her child's soul the mother hardened her heart. Chanakya never became an emperor, but he certainly became a maker of emperors.
If you have your child's welfare at heart then see to it that his mind is fed on beautiful stories. For a child's mind is innocent, receptive, easily moulded and by feeding it with good stories you will fill it with dreams of doing good, with beautiful ideals. If you do not present him with good ideals he will soon draw his ideals, and they will be warped ones, from the world of cheap films. .
If we truly care for our dear ones, then we should be concerned not only with their welfare in this life, but with the welfare of their souls in their future