whereas you will be losing your lives completely. . All your other knowledge is of no use here, if you don't know how to swim !”
This anecdote has a significance for all of us. All your much-vaunted knowledge is of little avail if you do not know how to swim across the ocean of life.
There are two types of knowledge: the knowledge of the world in its outer aspect, and the knowledge of the essence or spirit of life. The first can be bought; you can learn it in schools and colleges. Spiritual knowledge cannot be bought. If you want it, you must dive deep within yourself, question yourself, understand yourself. The man who succeeds in gaining this knowledge smiles as he passes through life and smiles as he leaves it.
As Bhagwan Mahavir’s time for departure from this world drew nigh, he gave a sixty-four hour sermon to his followers, because he wanted to share with them his own spiritual knowledge. And so he gave to the world a treasure chest of knowledge in his famous “Uttaradhyayansutra"--one of the fortyfive ‘agamas' or gospels of Jainism. And as he de