bottom; but if you roll a wick from the same cotton wool it will stand erect in the oil and when you strike a match to it, it will shine out bravely.
When will that day dawn when man realises that it is better to be lean but hardy than be fat and bloated and make himself a prey to disease and ill health? And you can rest assured that that day will dawn only when man becomes conscious of his godhead; when he deems precious only those things which are precious to God. Man's desire to acquire and amass those things which God would consider baubles, is a sure symptom of a disease within him. Hence the truth of that familiar saying: “You are always sure when you are pure.” What is the essence of such familiar comparisons and sayings as: “Doth not the vast ocean consist of drops of water”? or “To love Life is to love God?" Have you ever thought of the significance of the common etymological roots of these words: Khud (Self), Khuda (God), Atma (Self), Parmatma (The Supreme One): Do not all these prove to you the truth of what I have been saying? The moment you realise this latent greatness and strength in you, you realise your true dignity and responsibility like the prince in the anecdote and you cease to have the guilty feelings of a thief. Without