ponsible for man's fall. And, indeed, he has fallen so low, that he who is truly an emperor, behaves like a base thief.
Queen Madalasa as she rocked her infant's cradle and sang a lullaby, told him: “You are perfect, you are enlightened, you are pure. You will not be enmeshed by the sensuality of the world.” Those were the days in our country when mothers nourished their infants with spiritual enlightenment even as they nursed them at their breast. And the children grew up to be pure and courageous. Today many mothers plant fear in the minds of their little-ones, threatening them with the bogey-man or with God's ire. When the infant grows up it becomes a weakling, always in dread of something or the other.
What a weak, womanish creature is man! The very sight of an officer of the law makes most men give a guilty start.
When I see a man displaying his opulence, dressed in finery and travelling in a flashy limousine, I say to myself “And what would become of all this hauteur if an income-tax officer were to start questioning him right now? Would it not disintegrate into servile humility and base fawnings?” Such a