his royal descent, he gives up being a dacoit. He no longer steals into the homes of the villagers under cover of darkness. He knows that he is lord and master of all. With this knowledge comes a realisation of his responsibility. He is now aware of his true identity, his real self and with that comes a sense of dignity. The man who stealthily or forcibly used to enter the homes of his countrymen, no longer needs to do so, for now his word is law.
· Know then, that you are the lord of your being, you are an incarnation of the godhead, you are the supreme soul. Once you realise this wonderful truth, you will no longer stumble into the quagmire of sensual cravings. But if you persist in considering yourself a sinner, surely you will lead the life of a sinner. As long as that prince thought himself to be a dacoit, he led the life of a dacoit, but the moment enlightenment of his true identity dawned on him, he gave up his old life and became a great king.
I am often asked what is wrong with humanity, especially in our own times. My answer is very simple. Man has forgotten his true identity. He has forgotten that “trailing clouds of glory do we come.” It is this forgetting of his true identity that is res