wants something. So, persuade and coax it. It is simple and naïve (bhodu); naïve because in the company of fools he will become a fool, and in the company of the wise, he will become wise. With thieves, he will turn into a thief! As is the company, so is what he becomes! But he will never give up his right.
You need to seat 'Chandubhai' before the mirror and carry out this process. In the mirror. You can see his face and everything else. Thereafter, you need to tell Chandubhai, 'Why did you do that? You shouldn't be doing this. Why do you create separation due to difference of opinion (matbhed) with your wife? Why did you marry her if you wanted to do this? Why are you doing all this after marrying her?' You need to tell him all this. Scolding and persuading him in this way in front of the mirror for an hour would greatly increase the energy. This is considered the greatest introspection, 'seeing within' (samayik). Would You not know 'Chandubhai's' every mistake? Whatever mistakes You see, seat Chandubhai in front of the mirror for an hour and tell him about all those mistakes. That is the greatest samayik.
Questioner: Would it not work if I spoke to the mind within for an hour, instead of talking to him in the mirror?
Dadashri: No, it does not work. You should be able to see Chandubhai in the mirror. You will not learn to do it if you do it in your mind. Only a Gnani Purush can do it all by himself. But you will need to be taught in a child's language (basic approach). And it is good that you have this mirror, otherwise you would have to spend hundreds of thousands of rupees to buy one. It is good that mirrors are inexpensive nowadays! In the time of Lord Rushabhdev, only emperor Bharat had a hall of mirrors constructed! And these days you can see huge mirrors everywhere!
This is all a theory of subatomic particles (parmanus) which are indivisible. But much more work will get done if
samayik is done sitting in front of a mirror. But no one does that, do they? When 'we' tell you, you remember this once or twice, but in due time you will forget! After Self-realization, One is Neither a
Female nor a Male Lord Rushabhdev (the first of the 24 Tirthankars, fully enlightened beings who were born on this earth; he is also known as Aadinath Bhagwan, or Aadam) gave Akram Vignan (the shortcut 'elevator path to Self-realization) to emperor Bharat, but it wasn't until he took the help of the Hall of Mirrors that it worked out for him. In the Hall of Mirrors, his ring came off his finger, and when he saw his fingers in the mirror, they looked different to him. He wondered why only this finger was different as compared to the rest. He then realized that a ring was missing on that finger. Thus began a thought process of whether the finger appeared beautiful because of the ring! This went on until he attained absolute knowledge (keval gnan)!
He started thinking whether the finger appeared beautiful because of the ring or because of him. Thus he realized the true nature of the Self. Then he started realizing, "This is not mine ...this is not mine ...this is not mine,' and in doing this, he attained keval gnan in the end. Therefore, You should take full benefit of the mirror in a room. Ours is the Akram Vignan. Anyone who takes advantage of it will indeed accomplish his work. But no one knows about this, do they? It does not matter whether one does not know the Self, but the enquiry in front of a mirror will be a great help.
Questioner: You give this Gnan to many people. It instantly fits few people while for the rest, no matter how hard they try, it does not fit them. So what energy are they lacking?
Dadashri: It is not a lack of energy. The wedge (impediment) of karma he has brought with him is crooked,