path and the right path; both are paths, so 'see' them as such. Questioner: But the whole life will be wasted on the wrong path, will it not?
Dadashri: But what will happen when You start quarrelling there? To 'keep seeing' is purusharth. You get entangled because you do not understand what purusharth is. What you are going through is some simple suffocation.
Questioner: In the end I get tired of wondering what is going on.
Dadashri: If anyone gets tired, it is 'Chandubhai' and not 'You.' 'You' have to scold 'Chandubhai' and make him do pratikraman in the evening.
The nature of the Self is such that it will not miss knowing even the smallest thing. It knows everything that goes on. Why do others not come and complain saying. This or that happened to me today'?
Questioner: They must be experiencing peace (samadhi)?
Dadashri: How can samadhi exist when the Self has not been realized by them yet? The Self has not manifested where the ego is still at work, whereas in You, the Self has manifested. That is why You 'know' about all this. Otherwise, why do others not say the same thing?
Questioner: Then one's bliss, one's eternal happiness, should not go away, should it?
Dadashri: But that bliss goes away when these obstacles
Questioner: Which obstacles, Dada?
Dadashri: When you go to work, and 'You' do not 'see (jovoo)' properly what Chandubhai is doing, then everything falls apart. Nothing will happen if everything runs systematically.
Questioner: What do you mean by not 'seeing (jovoo)"? Dadashri: You do indeed 'know (jaaney)' but you do not 'see' it, do you?
Questioner: What happens when 'I' 'see' and 'know'? Dadashri: You experience absolute bliss (parmanand) when 'knowing' and 'seeing' come together.
Questioner: How does one do the 'knowing' and
Dadashri: You will 'see' all of Chandubhai, external and internal. You will 'see' 'what Chandubhai is doing.' If Chandubhai is drinking tea, You will 'see' that. You will 'see' him drinking milk. If he is crying, You will 'see' that too. If he is angry or irritated, You will 'see' that too, will You not? The Self can 'see' everything. You do not experience the eternal bliss (parmanand) because the 'knowing' and 'seeing' do not occur together.
Questioner: How can we 'know' and 'see' both together?
Dadashri: It will happen when that practice is encouraged. Keep awareness (upayog) of 'seeing' in everything. If you do not rush or cause confusion, the 'seeing' is possible. If you make a mistake while boarding a crowded train, and you forget to 'see,' 'we' can let go of that. But You can 'see' in all other situations, can You not?
Sit on the Everest of Awareness and 'See'
Questioner: Dada, after attaining Your Gnan, illusionary attachment (maya) troubles me. Please get rid of it?
Dadashri: Maya can never arise after one attains the Self. Maya will not remain after that. But You are the one who invites her back by saying, 'Auntie! Come here! Auntie, come here!'
Questioner: Why don't you kill maya?