[Major Presentation at the Parliament of World's Religions, Chicago (USA), August-September, 1993 -- further updated]
Once again, after a century the Parliament of World Religions is providing a common platform to a rich diversity of religions and faiths. Spiritual and religious leaders and thinkers from all over the world are assembled here as world citizens to carry forward the 1893 vision of interfaith fundamental unity of purpose in the quest for universal inner and outer peace and tranquility. It is apt o recall what Margaret Mead has said:
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful and committed citizens can change the world. Indeed it is
the only thing that ever has".
At the pinnacle of unparalleled material advancement and tremendous strides in knowledge, the humanity faces an unprecedented crisis. Integrity of thought, ethics of purpose and morality of action has come under considerable strain. Dogmas, rituals and rigid beliefs hold sway and have come to be mistaken as religion. A fragmented planet and a world divided by religions cannot survive in harmony with nature and the environment and indeed with itself. The challenge facing the global community makes it imperative to evolve a common agenda of action.
A Poet has put it aptly:
“So many sects so many creeds So many paths that wind and wind
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